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Candas1 edited this page Mar 3, 2023 · 34 revisions

The board is not turning ON, you can't hear the power stage buzz noise, no melody, the led on the mainboard is OFF

  • the top TIP127 mosfet might be defective (Q2 in schematics)

The board is not turning ON, you hear the power stage buzz noise, no melody, the led on the mainboard is OFF

  • Can happen if you haven't flashed the chip properly, make sure you hold the button while flashing so the chip is always powered
  • The chip might be defective, can you connect to it with st-link utility while keeping the button pressed? Even if you feed the board with 3.3v from the st-link ?
  • The 5v or 3.3v dc-dc converters could be defective, you can usually find the same dc-dc converters on the sideboards
  • If the board draws more than 100mA in idle, it's probably broken

The board is not turning ON, you hear the power stage buzz noise, no melody, the led on the mainboard is ON

  • If the led on the mainboard is ON when you press the button, but the board doesn't stay ON when you release the button, you might want to check if you have another variant of the board

The board is turning ON as soon as the battery or charger is connected, and there is a continuous beep after the melody when you try to turn it OFF

  • The top TIP127 mosfet is probably shorted (Q2 in schematics). Use a multi-meter to check the continuity between drain and source. If your multi-meter beeps, the mosfet is shorted so you need to replace it

The board is not turning OFF when pressing the ON/OFF button

  • It can happen when the battery voltage is too low

When plugging in the battery, the XT60 connector burns

  • It could be at least 2 mosfets of the same half-bridge/phase are shorted. Use a multi-meter to check the continuity between drain and source. If your multi-meter beeps, the mosfet is shorted so you need to replace it

You are unable to unlock the chip or flash the firmware

  • Check this section

The board turns ON/OFF/ON/OFF.....

The board is turning OFF

You hear beeps

  • Check Diagnostics section
  • Please also check in the Wiki the troubleshooting section of the variant you are using

The board turns ON, there are no error beeps, wheels are not spinning

  • Make sure you did proper Auto-Calibration
  • Don't use a jumper wire instead of the ON/OFF button, firmware will run only when this input is released

Wheels are not spinning in a smooth/normal way