Several scripts to clean up and enhance the data after migrating from Aleph to Alma
All scripts have been written using python 3.7. The scripts make us of several common packages. These need to be provided:
- numpy
- pandas
- requests
- requests_cache
- lxml
- xlrd (for reading Excel tables)
In addition a valid API key for the alma institution needs to be provided.
to obtain a key log into ExLibris Developer Network (, go to "Build" and "My API Keys".
If you are not allowed to generate keys, please contact your local group administrator.
The API key is to be present as environment variable "ALMA_SCRIPT_API_KEY"
The scripts make use of a folder structure to organize input, temporary and output files. In particular.
- Input files are searched for in a folder data/input relative to the script file.
- Temporary date are stored in a folder data/temp relative to the script file
- Output files are stored in a folder data/output relative to the script file
The principal setup is done at the end iof the file in the main section. In general a project name is defined, which defines the names of the input files (see the descritpion of each script for details).
If a list is to be loaded by the list_reader_service (load_identifier_list_of_type) the list name hase the format <list_type>_list.txt. e.g. a list of ill partners of list type "partners" would read partners_list.txt.
Files to be processed are to be placed in the /data/input folder. Filter chains are defined in the /chains folder as json documents.
Each chain is named accoding to "filter_chain_.json". The projects to be run are defined in the main function of the
projects = ['ebooks_lizenzfrei', 'collections_from_db', 'zsn_ezb']. This would load the chain files
- "filter_chain_ebooks_lizenzfrei.json"
- "filter_chain_collections_from_db.json"
- "filter_chain_zsn_ezb.json"
and run the corresponding filter chain. Logging is provided in the corresponding log files ("marc_processor_.log") in the output folder (/output) whereas the generated files are found in a subfolder of the output folder named according to the project