For now VirtualBox is the supported vagrant provider. If you absolutely have to use something else, you'll simply need to go through the process of converting the baseboxes found here and export/import them into VMware. Then follow Vagrant's documentation for packaging VMware base boxes.
- Open up kali terminal and type
cd ~
- Run the command
sudo apt update -y
- Run the command
sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
- Run the command
sudo apt install virtualbox -y
- Run the command
sudo reboot
- Open up kali terminal and type
cd ~
- Run the command
sudo apt update
- Run the command
sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
- Create a directory for the pip installer
mkdir pipinstaller
- download the pip installer
curl -o pipinstaller/
- install pip
python pipinstaller/ --user
- Make pip executable from your path
echo 'export PATH="${PATH}:/home/pentest/.local/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc
- Run the command
- Install ansible using pip3
pip3 install ansible --user
- Run the command
sudo apt install vagrant -y
- Run the command
vagrant -v
. Should see similar to the next:
Vagrant 2.3.4
These may or may not be required for you but I ran into some errors and while troubleshooting I found various error messages regarding these plugins and installing them removed the error messages.
- Run the command
vagrant plugin install winrm
- Run the command
vagrant plugin install winrm-fs
- Run the command
vagrant plugin install winrm-elevated
- Download the repository
git clone
- Run the command
nano ./capsulecorp-pentest/Vagrantfile
- Edit line 11, to remove the comment simbol. It should look like the following:
winsrv = "StefanScherer/windows_2019"
- Comment line 12, it should look like the following:
#winsrv = "gusztavvargadr/windows-server"
- If your hardware has a total amount of 8GB Ram, you can also edit line 63, setting
vb.memory = "2048"
to "1024". - Finally, press
, type "y" and confirm.
- For provisioning the VM's on the correct order, follow the VM documentation.
- Make sure to set the correct provider, such as:
sudo -E vagrant <> --provider=virtualbox
- For acessing your VM's on VirtualBox, run the command
sudo virtualbox
- Also, if your host system is Kali, there is no need for the Pentest VM. Whatsoever you will need to configure your host system to be able to access the domain.