Depending on your needs, you may want to install Stylo in different ways :
- With Docker (suited to run Stylo rapidly)
- Without Docker (suited to tailor your Stylo setup)
Ansible playbooks enable you to deploy Stylo on a remote machine, accessible with the SSH protocol.
You can find various pointers in our GitHub Actions automations, and in the ./infrastructure
First step is to clone the project, you can use either the HTTPS or SSH version of the repository URL:
$ git clone
Useful to run a fully fledged Stylo in no time.
Run the following command:
$ cp stylo-example.env .env
$ docker-compose up
NOTE: The first time, this command can take a few dozen minutes depending on your network speed and machine capabilities. Subsequent calls will be faster.
This gives your access to:
- Stylo (frontend): http://localhost:3000
- GraphQL endpoint: http://localhost:3030
- Export endpoint: http://localhost:3080
- Pandoc API: http://localhost:3090
Note: this section can be improved.
We recommend you to host Stylo behind a reverse proxy. We provide a working configuration example below for the Nginx server.
$ curl -o- | bash
$ nvm install v16
$ sudo apt install mongodb-org pandoc
After cloning the repo, build the service and its dependencies:
$ cp stylo-example.env .env
$ npm clean-install
$ npm start
After the image is built, you should have a Stylo instance running on your server. Now, we need to expose it to the outside world with a reverse proxy.
Obtain a working sample file with the following command:
$ wget -O /etc/nginx/sites-available/stylo.conf \
Replace the service domain name:
$ sed -i s/' /etc/nginx/sites-available/stylo.conf
Alternatively, alter the various ports, and domains on your own.
When you are done, enable the website and reload the configuration:
$ ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/stylo.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enable/stylo.conf
$ nginx reload
Note: this section can be improved.
$ pip install ansible===2.9.7 requests
$ cd infrastructure
$ ansible-playbook -i inventories/prod playbook.yml
Once you have an up and running Stylo instance, read the
file to run daily and maintenance operations, such as database migrations and such.