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Project Euler

Project Euler

Project Euler consists in a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that require more than just mathematical insights to solve.

These are my solutions to some of those problems.

Problem Solution Language
Multiples of 3 and 5 Problem 1 APL
Even Fibonacci numbers Problem 2 APL
Largest prime factor Problem 3 Rust
Largest palindrome product Problem 4 Python
Smallest multiple Problem 5 Python
Sum square difference Problem 6 Python
10001st prime Problem 7 Python
Largest product in a series Problem 8 Python
Special Pythagorean triplet Problem 9 Prolog
Summation of primes Problem 10 Python
Largest product in a Rows Problem 11 Prolog
Highly divisible triangular number Problem 12 Haskell
Large sum Problem 13 Python
Longest Collatz sequence Problem 14 Python
Lattice paths Problem 15 Python
Power digit sum Problem 16 Python
Number letter counts Problem 17 Python
Factorial digit sum Problem 20 Python
Amicable numbers Problem 21 Python
Names scores Problem 22 Python
Non-abundant sums Problem 23 C++
Lexicographic permutations Problem 24 Python
1000-digit Fibonacci number Problem 25 Python
Reciprocal cycles Problem 26 Haskell
Quadratic Primes Problem 27 Haskell
Number spiral diagonals Problem 28 Python
Distinct powers Problem 29 Python
Digit fifth powers Problem 30 C++
Coin sums Problem 31 Prolog
Pandigital products Problem 32 Haskell
Digit cancelling fractions Problem 33 Haskell
Digit factorials Problem 34 C++
Circular primes Problem 35 Python
Double-base palindromes Problem 36 Python
Truncatable primes Problem 37 Python
Pandigital multiples Problem 37 Haskell
Truncatable primes Problem 37 Haskell
Champernowne's constant Problem 40 Python
Integer right triangles Problem 41 Python
Coded triangle numbers Problem 42 Python
Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal Problem 45 Python
Permuted multiples Problem 52 Python
Right triangles with integer coordinates Problem 91 Prolog
Square digit chains Problem 92 Python