Flowfile Designer is a modern, electron-based desktop application for visual data transformation and ETL workflows. Built with Vue 3, TypeScript, and Element Plus, it provides an intuitive interface for building data pipelines using a drag-and-drop approach.
- Visual Flow Designer with drag-and-drop interface
- Node-based workflow creation
- Real-time data preview
- Support for multiple data sources
- Rich set of transformation nodes
- Python code integration with Polars
- Dark/Light theme support
- Cross-platform (Windows, macOS, Linux)
- Vue 3 + TypeScript
- Electron
- Vue Flow for flow-chart design
- Element Plus UI components
- CodeMirror for code editing
- AG Grid for data visualization
- Graphic Walker for data exploration
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start development server
npm run dev
# Start web-only development
npm run dev:web
# Lint and fix files
npm run lint
# Build for all platforms
npm run build
# Build for specific platforms
npm run build:win # Windows
npm run build:mac # macOS
npm run build:linux # Linux
# Build web version
npm run build:web
npm run preview:web
Contributions are welcome! Please read our contributing guidelines before submitting pull requests.