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Emanuele Minotto edited this page Nov 30, 2024 · 3 revisions

Crystal provides a logger to help developer tracking informations.
The logger is provided in two different ways based on the PHP version that's used, if it's on PHP 5 the logger is provided as a function, if it's on PHP 7 or newer versions it's provided as an object with an interface similar to the interface provided by PSR-3.

Both the implementations use syslog, so you can manage the implementation through openlog.

PHP 5 version

$mf(function () use ($mf) {
    $logger = $mf('logger');

    $logger('info', 'lorem ipsum', array(
        'foo' => true,
    $logger('debug', 'dolor sit amet');

PHP 7+ version

$mf(function () use ($mf) {
    $logger = $mf('logger');

    $logger->info('lorem ipsum', [
        'foo' => true,
    $logger->debug('dolor sit amet');

If the logger is used in PHP 7+, there are other utilities available.

Shared Context

$mf(function () use ($mf) {
    $logger = $mf('logger');

    $logger->addContext('session_id', session_id());

    // replace all the other keys in the shared context
    // $logger->setContext(['session_id' => session_id()]);

    // reset the shared context
    // $logger->resetContext();

    // to remove some keys from shared context
    // $logger->unsetContext('foo', 'bar');

    // if you need to know what's in the shared context
    // $context = $logger->getContext();

    // 'session_id' will be added implicitly to the context
    $logger->info('lorem ipsum', [
        'foo' => true,

Custom Implementation

If you need to redefine the logger implementation (e.g. for a custom logging), you can redefine the logger implementation with the setImplementation method and it takes the arguments:

  • level: string: which could be one of these levels
  • message: string: the logging message
  • context: array: an optional array of context, this could be an empty array or could contain the union of shared and local context data
$mf(function () use ($mf) {
    $logger = $mf('logger');

    $logger->addContext('bar', 'test');

    $logger->setImplementation(function ($level, $message, $context) {
        echo sprintf("%s: %s - %s\n", $level, $message, json_encode($context));

    $logger->info('lorem ipsum', array(
        'foo' => true,
    $logger->debug('dolor sit amet', array(
        'bar' => 1,
    $logger->emergency('consectetur adipisci elit');

in this case output will be

info: lorem ipsum - {"bar":"test","foo":true}
debug: dolor sit amet - {"bar":1}
emergency: consectetur adipisci elit - {"bar":"test"}
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