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How to Play • Gameplay • Unit Guide

ForbodingAngel edited this page Feb 19, 2018 · 7 revisions

Unit Types

These are the different types of units and what they can do in Evolution RTS. Use this knowledge wisely as it can help you defeat your enemy while in battle.

All Terrain Tanks

Spider-like units that have the ability to move to just about anywhere no matter the terrain, except water. These units cannot fire at units that are underwater. However, they have quite high health and that makes them a formidable foe in large numbers. All Terrain units are able to cloak and stay hidden. However radar can reveal them to enemy units if/when they move. Additionally, when cloaked units fire, they will become uncloaked, revealing themselves to the enemy.


This unit is a light armored raider. The Recluse can move at much faster speeds than the rest of the other All Terrain units. It is good against light armored units such as other raiders. It can also deal considerably high damage against just about anything when paired in a group of 7 or more of its kind.


This unit is a riot unit. The Mossberg is built as a "crowd control" kind of unit. It uses its EMP to disable enemy units that are hit and in it's AOE. This temporarily disables the unit giving you the chance to bring in another attack unit to destroy them. All riot units are also equipped with a "shotgun". This weapon deals considerable damage to other light armored units though it is not able to utilize it's EMP when in shotgun mode.


This unit is an all around balanced unit. It deals good damage towards both heavy and light armored units though it works better against lightly armored units such as raiders. When paired with a sledge and several other units such as itself, it can be a menace when fighting against enemy units.


This unit is a tank destroyer. This means that it can go up against heavily armored units such as an Anarchid or an Anvil. This unit can quickly dispatch heavy units but is weak when it faces smaller units such as raiders. It is best paired with several other units.


This unit is a heavy attack unit similar to the Anarchid but is able to attack units and buildings alike. It deals quite heavy damage towards buildings and heavy armored units. It's weakness however is groups of raiders which can quickly swarm and overwhelm the Anvil. It is best used when paired with several other units to work alongside with it.


This endgame unit has very high health and damage. It's downside is that it does reduced damage to mobile units. This unit is meant to attack buildings and take down enemy defenses. When paired with multiple other attack units while attacking a base, this can make for a very powerful unit and an easy take down of the enemy base.


The Widow is a small portable shield generator unit. It is able to protect several other units in its shield. It is recommended to bring other attack units with it as the Widow itself has no offensive capabilities. The Widow is also equipped with a small cloaking generator which can hide other small units with it even if that unit may not have the option to cloak itself. Widows can also link up with other shield generators such as Kmars to share their shielding power and increase their strength against attacks.


Amphibious Tanks

Amphibious units are able to move freely underwater and shoot from underwater as other units are not able to do this. They are formidable foes when fighting on a map that is primarily underwater. They are also some of the fastest land units in the game.


This is the amphibious raider unit. When paired in a group of 10 or more units like it, it can wreak havoc on any base in very small amounts of time. It costs very little to build and you can quickly build up a small army to take out the enemy in the early game. It's weakness however is if the enemy uses light armor destroyer units or lightning rod towers as they will quickly wipe out your army if you do not have contingents for that. One way to get past the light armor destroyers is to have several hundreds of them at a time which will wipe out just about everything.


The Dicer is the amphibious riot unit. The Dicer is built as a "crowd control" kind of unit. It uses its EMP to disable enemy units that are hit and in it's AOE. This temporarily disables the unit giving you the chance to bring in another attack unit to destroy them. All riot units are also equipped with a "shotgun". This weapon deals considerable damage to other light armored units though it is not able to utilize it's EMP when in shotgun mode.


The Ikinz specializes in destroying high numbers of light units. It will rip through them quickly with it's high rate of fire and larger range, however, it is powerless to stop armored units.


The Razor has a surgical laser designed to stop light and armored units alike. It deals a ton of damage at respectable range and is fast and maneuverable. It doesn't have much armor, but then, it is designed to destroy heavy targets faster than those targets can kill it. Razors are more powerful the more you have in a bunch. Because of the way that they work, each one that you add to a group exponentially increases it's usefulness. It isn't very good at dealing with large numbers of small targets like massed raiders, so make sure to keep some Ikinz and Snakes around to help out.


The Spitter is a long range missile support unit. It is good against bases and heavy units. It is not well suited for attacking small units such as raider though due to the lack of maneuverability of it's missiles.


The Assimilator is a long range laser support unit. It has a very long range of attack and fires a laser beam at the enemy. The Assimilator is good against enemy bases and heavy units from afar. They will be quickly overrun if they are used against light units such as raiders as the Assimilator can sometimes miss if the enemy is moving to quickly for it.


This is an all around endgame unit. It deals high damage against both lightly armored and heavily armored units. This unit is best paired with other Levelers and Anarchids to deal maximum damage against the enemy's base.


H-Bots are essentially hovering gun platforms. They aren't very fast, but they make up for their lack of speed in range and firepower. Additionally, H-Bots can literally go anywhere. Up cliffs, over water... anywhere. H-Bots can deploy into transportable turrets that gain a massive defensive bonus upon successful deployment. However, once deployed, the H-Bot cannot move unless assisted by an Air Transport.


The A.K. is a raider equipped with a long range shotgun. It deals moderate damage to small, light units, and it's main benefit is that it can usually outrange other raiders. Unfortunately, it is also quite slow, so if raiders get close enough to fight it, it must take that fight, whether it wants to or not.


The Thud is an all purpose ballistic can opener. It deals high damage to both light and armored units, and is also good for taking out buildings as well. It's shots have some Area of Effect so it will do more damage to tightly grouped units, but it is slow and it's rate of fire is low.


The Sniper is specifically meant to take out armored targets like Crushers, Sledge, Wildkats, etc. It has a low rate of fire, but the damage each shot does is almost certainly a 1 shot kill. High range and extremely slow.


Rockos specialize in low damage, high area of effect shots. It's missiles are guided to a degree, and individually they aren't terribly threatening. They are slow and are really long ranged. However, Rockos in groups get scary fast. This is because of the large area of effect. The missile might not do a lot of damage, but it does it's damage in such a large area that it is likely to catch multiple units with the same shot. As a result, when a group of Rockos fire on a specific target, it is a good idea to be elsewhere.


The Karganneth is basically a mobile gatling turret. Fun fact, it can actually deploy into a turret! The Karganneth doesn't have a whole lot of range, but it makes up for that in sheer firepower. It will shred units and buildings alike, without mercy. If you manage to get one of these out on the battlefield, there aren't a whole lot of things that can stop it.

Hover Tanks


The Kite is a light raider. It has long range that will outrange almost all other light units. That said, the Kite isn't really designed for fighting other raiders. Because of it's range and moderate HP it makes for a decent point defense unit, but where it really shines is in base destruction. It has high damage against buildings making it ideal for taking out Metal Extractors, Generators and Supply Depots.


The Spas is an anti-raider EMP tank. It is best when paired with other light units like Kites. Spas EMP shots have a large Area of Effect, so it can stun entire groups of raiders pretty quickly. Use the Spas to stun them, and the Kites to clean them up.


The Crusher is a true Main Battle Tank. It it armored, it has a good amount of health, and it's cannon hits like a hammer. It is weak only against lots of small targets, such as massed raiders.


The Droplet is a long range anti-armor missile tank. It is unique in the fact that it's missile fires straight up in the air before hitting the target on it's roof. The missile is guided and will not usually miss it's target unless the target is simply too fast and maneuverable (like some light raiders). It makes for an exceptionally good anti-aircraft weapon, and it is one of the most effective back line siege tanks. It is slow, so make sure that it has a buffer between it and any potential attackers.


The ShadowFury is the only ballistic artillery piece. It has huge range and does quite a lot of damage. Several ShadowFuries are capable of taking down shields and turrets, and even entire bases quite quickly.


The Lacerator is what the Crusher wants to be when it grows up. Armed with a ballistic nuclear cannon, it essentially beats anything silly enough to stand up against it into submission quite quickly. Get one of these out on the battlefield and your opponents will know true fear.


Aircraft are quite costly, but they make up for that cost in firepower and mobility. All aircraft can fire at targets both above and below the water's surface, so they are a very necessary tool on water maps.


There isn't a whole lot to this little guy, except that he is fast and provides a very large radar, sonar and seismic detection range. Excellent tools to have patrolling around the map.


The Koyote is best and destroying groups of small, lightly armored units. It is exceptionally bad at air combat, but it's a good tool for raiding exposed Metal Extractors and groups of raiders. Low damage against armored units.


WildKats are best when used against large bulky tanks and other aircraft. It does high damage, but due to it's lower rate of fire and lesser area of effect, it isn't as good at killing light units as the Koyote.


The Kamper is a long range support bomber. It's missiles do a lot of damage against buildings, so it is the best Aerial tool for clearing out nests of buildings. It can engage ground forces as well, but it's damage against mobile units is low enough to not really be worth it.


The Charter is a transport plane. It is small, fast, and capable of taking a beating. It's extremely useful for moving forces in and out of conflict zones quickly. Additionally, it is capable of repositioning deployed H-Bots.


The Krow is an aerial freedom dispenser. It has a high rate of fire, high damage, and is essentially a flying fortress. It's not very fast and while it can take a beating, it is more lightly armored than the other Endbringers, so it's worth making sure to pull it back when it gets too badly damaged. Designed to wade into a fortified position and utterly destroy everything.