run random train-test split first run below to save the random splitted train test data(submit job to run this)
python generate_train_test.py
then run the inference:
python IN_dataGenerator_random.py IN_training 1 0 --De 20 --Do 24 --hidden 60
run the conversion from pytorch to onnx, and use onnx to inference set up environemnt:
module load conda/2021-06-28 conda activate base
run model:
python pytorch2onnx.py python pytorch_onnx_inference.py
also include a notebook contain overall process onnx.ipynb
run the conversion from onnx to tensorrt, and use tensorrt to inference
module load conda/2021-11-30 conda activate base python tensorrt_inference.py
use singularity container start the container: if you are first time use this container, need to build the instance first. After build the instance, use singularity shell --bind to connect the path of dataset:
singularity instance start --nv ./trt_torch_new.sif tensorrt singularity shell --bind //grand/RAPINS/ruike/new_hbb/test://home/ruike/merge_IN/notebook_code/test_hbb //home/ruike/trt_torch_new.sif ls //home/ruike/merge_IN/notebook_code/test_hbb pip install -U scikit-learn ...
throughput & gpu throughput plot the plots are saved in throughput_gpu_use.ipynb file