This is a list of all the footnotes in the book per chapter. The "Just a thought pieces" are at the end of this list.
- Udemy course "Use Java 11 and JavaFX 11 on a Raspberry Pi
- Twitter Frank Delporte
- "The Mythical Man-Month" by Fred Brooks
- Raspbian OS download page
- Step-by-step tutorial on the Raspberry Pi website
- StackExchange: turn of Raspberry Pi
- Breadboard Pi Bridge
- Breadboard Pi Bridge video manual
- Kano kit
- Clemens Valens
- Blog post bash command cheat sheet
- Comparison between apt and apt-get by Abhishek Prakash
- VNC Viewer
- MobaXterm
- Fritzing
- yEd Graph Editor by yworks
- Apache NetBeans
- Eclipse IDE
- JetBrains IntelliJ IDA
- Twitter Trisha Gee
- Visual Studio Code sources
- Visual Studio Code
- VSCodium
- Java info page on the VSC website
- Twitter Xiaokai He
- Duke graphic specification
- Sources of the Java Development Kit, OpenJDK
- jchoice
- The differences between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK on Baeldung
- AdoptOpenJDK
- Azul Zing and Zulu
- BellSoft LibericaJDK
- Twitter Alexander Belokrylov
- Blog post SDKMAN on Windows
- Raspberry Pi specifications on Wikipedia
- Release notes of Raspbian OS
- Java modules explained on
- Java Almanac by Marc R. Hoffmann
- JEP 325: Switch Expressions (Preview)
- JEP 354: Switch Expressions (Preview)
- JEP 355: Text Blocks (Preview)
- JEP 358: Helpful NullPointerExceptions
- Notepad++
- Free online CSV generation tool
- Twitter Jakob Jenkov
- Nanosai
- PiHeaders on GitHub
- PiHeaders Maven dependency
- Make a digital graph instructable by Artworker
- WiringPi
- Gordon Henderson
- Announcement August 2019 stopped further development of WiringPi
- Maven
- Maven Repository
- Apache Maven download
- "Java Logging" on
- Full log4j documentation
- Grep Console plugin
- GluonHQ
- JavaFX on GitHub
- GraalVM
- Twitter Johan Vos
- GraalVM native-image capabilities
- Gluon Substrate plugin
- Twitter Hossein Rimazfor
- AwesomeJavaFX long list
- Twitter Gerrit Grunwald
- Blog Gerrit Grunwald
- TilesFX sources on GitHub
- TilesFX Maven dependency
- Twitter Pedro Duque
- FXRibbon sources on GitHub
- FXRibbon Maven dependency
- Twitter Jonathan Giles
- ControlsFX sources on GitHub
- ControlsFX Maven dependency
- Twitter Dirk Lemmermann
- PickerFX sources on GitHub
- PickerFX Maven dependency
- Blog Dirk Lemmerman with more awesome JavaFX stuff like JMetro
- Project Panama
- GeeekPi Raspberry Pi Expansion Board 4 Channel Relay Board Module
- GeeekPi documentation page
- Scene Builder
- Superposition
- The number of atoms in the whole universe
- It's hard to understand the principles of all quantum stuff
- Webcolors on
- 5101AS (datasheet)
- SN74HC595 technical sheet
- JavaFXLedNumberDisplay on GitHub
- Connect even more LEDs or other output devices On the Arduino website you can find an example
- Pi4J code on GitHub
- Update WiringPi
- Pi4J HTML documentation
- Maven Repository of com.pi4j
- JSON = JavaScript Object Notation
- XML = Extensible Markup Language
- MAX7219 datasheet
- OpenWeatherMap API
- Micronaut
- Quarkus
- Pivotal
- Inversion Of Control (IOC)
- Plain Old Java Object
- Spring Boot
- Spring Initializr
- REST-application
- Twitter Mark Heckler
- Swagger
- Thymeleaf
- H2 database
- Elektor website example of a microcontroller showing JSON data on a screen
- Twitter Vlad Mihalcea
- High-Performance Java Persistence
- Hibernate Types
- Hypersistence Optimizer
- Reactive programming
- Twitter Josh Long
- Blog series with Trisha Gee and Josh Long
- Eclipse Paho
- MQTT message protocol
- AdaFruit NeoPixel by Adafruit
- WiFiNINA by Arduino
- ArduinoMqttClient by Arduino
- Undertow
- "You Aren't Gonna Need It"
- "Keep It Simple, Stupid"
- Principle Of Good Enough
- Perfect is the enemy of good
- "Not Invented Here"
- "Don't repeat yourself"
- SonarLint
- "Test Driven Development"
- "Behavior Driven Development"
- "Domain Driven Design"
- "Read The Fucking Manual"