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Releases: FIameCaster/prism-code-editor

Release 2.2.2

17 Nov 13:39
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  • Fix empty search match before UTF-16 surrogate pair causing infinite loop (5fa8c2c)
  • Search filter is now called with the correct start and end parameters when only a part of the document is searched (5fa8c2c)
  • Slightly altered appearance of empty search matches (5fa8c2c)
  • Improved javascript template strings. Previously strings with empty interpolation expressions such as `a${}b` would not be highlighted as a template string. Now it will be, improving UX while typing (3887da8)

Release 2.2.1

11 Nov 18:56
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  • Replaced contentEditable hack with -webkit-text-size-adjust: none (6bad6af)
  • Improved some themes while viewing CSS code (8f029b7)
  • Slightly decreased bundle size of the core

Release 2.2.0

04 Nov 17:51
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Including hyphens in the search wasn't wanted for most languages. Therefore a new parameter was added to the highlightCurrentWord extension.

const selector = ".string, .comment, .keyword, .regex"
const filter = start => !getClosestToken(editor, selector, 0, 0, start)
const includeHyphens = position => getLanguage(editor, position) == "css"

    highlightCurrentWord(filter, includeHyphens)


In TSX, opening tags comming directly after another tag are now highlighted. This was an issue with Prism's TSX grammar.

Release 2.1.0

01 Nov 16:10
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New features

  • Added a word highlighting extension.
import { highlightCurrentWord } from "prism-code-editor/search"

const selector = ".string, .comment, .keyword, .regex"
const filter = start => !getClosestToken(editor, selector, 0, 0, start)

  • Added a filter parameter to (6786676)


  • Improved API documentation
  • Fixed a bug when toggling comments in languages without line comments (ec7d394)
  • The search widget could sometimes perform a search while closed if the user did an undo in Chrome (2cf42b8)
  • URLs in CSS are now highlighted in the GitHub themes (82120de)

Release 2.0.0

20 Oct 21:35
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New features

Re-exporting Prism's grammars

Prism's grammars are now re-exported. These grammars automatically import required dependencies. Optional dependencies are handled at runtime, so import order usually won't matter.

import "prism-code-editor/grammars/markup"
import "prism-code-editor/grammars/css-extras"
import "prism-code-editor/grammars/js-extras"

This means prismjs is now longer a necessary dependency in your projects.

Bracket matching in markup

Bracket matching has been added to markup languages like HTML by modifying their grammars. All themes style these brackets with color: inherit to disable rainbow brackets. If you want to style them, use the CSS selector .token.markup-bracket.punctuation.

Extra folding features

You can now import a provider that allows folding of titles and code blocks in markdown. Folding of block comments is now optional. To enable them, pass them to the readOnlyCodeFolding extension when creating it.

import {
  markdownFolding, blockCommentFolding, readOnlyCodeFolding
} from "prism-code-editor/code-folding"
import "prism-code-editor/languages/html"

const editor = createEditor(
  { language: "markdown" },
  readOnlyCodeFolding(markdownFolding, blockCommentFolding)

New tag highlighting feature

Added an extension that highlights < and > punctuation in XML tags.

import { highlightTagPunctuation } from "prism-code-editor/match-tags"

Breaking changes

  • It's no longer possible to use your own Prism instance.
  • You can now longer import languages from prismjs without defining window.Prism. Import languages from prism-code-editor/grammars/* instead.
  • prism-code-editor/prism-core has been removed. If you want access to the Prism instance, import it from prism-code-editor instead.
  • prism-code-editor/prism-markdown has been removed too. Import prism-code-editor/grammars/markdown instead.
  • The Prism parameter has been removed from all functions in the library which simplifies many APIs.
  • The languages import from the core has now been renamed to languageMap.
  • The utilities regexEscape, getLineBefore, getLines, getClosestToken, getLanguage, insertText and getModifierCode are now exported from prism-code-editor/utils instead of the core.

Changed class names

Most class names have been prefixed to make style conflicts much less likely. If you've overridden some of the styles, chances are you'll need to change some selectors. Here's a list of all classes that have been changed:

  • prism-editor to prism-code-editor
  • prism-editor-wrapper to pce-wrapper
  • editor-overlays to pce-overlays
  • code-line to pce-line
  • word-wrap to pce-wrap
  • no-word-wrap to pce-nowrap
  • readonly to pce-readonly
  • no-selection to pce-no-selection
  • rtl-editor to pce-rtl
  • search-input to pce-input
  • use-regexp to pce-regex
  • whole-word to pce-whole
  • find-in-selection to pce-in-selection
  • match-count to pce-match-count
  • search-options to pce-options
  • find to pce-find
  • replace to pce-replace
  • has-error to pce-error
  • search-matches to pce-matches
  • editor-copy to pce-copy
  • fold-placeholder to pce-unfold
  • fold-line-btn to pce-fold


  • The matchTags extensions would add a new selection change handler every time editor.setOptions was called. This has been fixed.
  • The multiline flag is now enabled when doing RegExp search in the search widget. This means that ^ and $ now match the beginning/end on lines instead of the whole code.
  • The $ character is now escaped when executing replace all in the search widget since it has special functionality.
  • Tag matching now works with all languages instead of just a handful.
  • Changed the default margin on .pce-wrapper from 0.75em 0 to 0.5em 0.
  • Fixed a Safari bug where the search highlight wouldn't be removed when switching focus back to the editor.
  • Small improvements to most of the themes.

Release 1.2.2

11 Oct 16:49
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  • Fixed a bug in Prism.languages.insertBefore in the patched Prism core. This didn't cause issues with many languages which is why it wasn't spotted before.
  • Fixed a typo in the patched markdown language which gave code blocks the wrong class name.


  • Small improvements to the prism, prism-okaidia, night-owl, vs-code-light, vs-code-dark and github-light themes.
  • Big improvements to the atom-one-dark theme.
  • Refactored some extensions for a smaller bundle size.

Release 1.2.1

24 Sep 23:10
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No changes to functionality, just improvements to the documentation.

Release 1.2.0

22 Sep 20:45
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New features

  • Added RTL directionality support thtough an optional extra stylesheet. Currently experimental due to multiple browser bugs.
import "prism-code-editor/rtl-layout.css"
  • Added a wrapper around createEditor that replaces the element with the editor instead of appending the editor to it.
import { editorFromPlaceholder } from "prism-code-editor"

const editor = editorFromPlaceholder(Prism, "#editor", { language: "javascript" })


  • aria-readonly="true" is now added to the textarea when in read-only mode.
  • An error is no longer thrown when an editor is created with exactly two lines of code.

Release 1.1.0

17 Sep 23:23
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New features

  • Added a utility for adding tooltips to an editor.
import { addTooltip } from "prism-code-editor/tooltips"

const [show, hide] = addTooltip(editor, element)
  • Added a utility that adds overscrolling to an editor, allowing users to scroll until the last line is at the top.
import { addOverscroll, removeOverscroll } from "prism-code-editor/tooltips"

  • Height property has been added when getting the cursor position.

Minor changes

  • Read-only mode no longer uses the readonly attribute, instead cancelling beforeinput events. This will make read-only editors more interactive.
  • Automatically inserted closing tags are inserted immediately instead of after a 100ms delay.
  • Improved titles when hovering over the fold buttons.


  • Small issues with z-index have been fixed.
  • Read-only editors no longer handle the Tab Key with the default commands added.


12 Sep 11:37
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Fixed issue where the unfold button had position: static resulting in its z-index having no effect.

Improved scroll behavior in certain scenarios when hiding replace functionality in the search widget.