Thank you for your interest in contributing to the OpenStack4j API.
We are building this software together and strongly encourage contributions from the community that are within the guidelines set forth below.
Note that Open-source software is primarily maintained by volunteers, collaborating for mutual benefit. If you make it easy for others to help you, it is more likely others will do so, but nobody is obliged to.
Most users contribute by filing issues and/or pull requests. However, there are other ways. We maintain a list of active projects to serve as inspiration on how to start contributing.
Except for code, we are in a need of updating and expadning our documentation. Either in this repo, or on the website.
Before starting to write code, look for existing tickets or create one for your bug, issue, or feature request. This helps the community to avoid working on something that might not be of interest or which has already been addressed.
Pull requests should be made against the master (development) branch and include relevant tests, if applicable.
Code should compile and tests should pass under all Java versions which the OpenStack4j currently supports. Refer to unit tests README or integration tests README for more details on how to write tests.
Please insure all code is formatted like the rest of the API, well documented and same patterns applied. When configuring your IDE workspace make sure tabs are represented as spaces.
For questions and problems, please join our group at!forum/openstack4j.
Thank you for your support!