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Pyterate is open source |Sphinx|_ add-ons which provide two tools for |Python|_ projects. The first one generates automatically the RST files for an API documentation based on the autogen extension. The second one provides a document generator based on the concept of literate programming which can be used to make an example's based documentation.
Jupyter Book does a similar job than Pyterate. The main differences are:
- Jupyter Book is code cells in Markdown, while Pyterate is text cells in Python.
- Jupyter Book requires an editor plugin to handle a code cell. Actually only VS Studio is supported.
- But in all cases, we need an editor support.
- Jupyter Book exploits the recent Markdown support of Sphinx, thanks to MyST.
- Jupyter Book translates Markdown sources to Jupyter Notebooks and then execute them.
- Jupyter Book caches the executed notebooks.
- Jupyter Book use extensively the Sphinx API, while Pyterate just generates Rest sources, as well as Jupyter Notebooks.
- Pyterate uses a Jupyter kernel to execute the Python code.
- Pyterate can generate figures from external generators.
- Pyterate uses a "#" comment to prefix each line of a text cell. In practice it is very cumbersome. This is due to the lack of multi-line comment in Python, like C "/.../". We could use '"""..."""' instead. Such multi-line string is syntactical correct but do nothing. They are only interpreted as docstring in some cases.
Python -> Pyterate -> ReST -> Sphinx -> HTML Markdown MyST -> Sphinx[Jupyter Book] -> HTML
See also Pweave a scientific report generator and a literate programming tool for Python. Pweave uses a similar approach to Jupyter Book. Pweave is not maintained since 2019.
The documentation is available on the |PyterateHomePage|_.
The documentation generator features:
- intermixing of code, text, LaTeX formulae, figures and plots
- use the reStructuredText or Markdown syntax for text
- use the |Sphinx|_ generator
- embed computations in the text content
- generation of circuit schematics using |Circuit_macros|_
- generation of figures using |Tikz|_
- generation of plots using |Matplotlib|_
Look at the installation section in the documentation.
Authors: Fabrice Salvaire