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dirtyvagabond edited this page Jan 27, 2013 · 5 revisions

You can use Drake from your Clojure REPL, via drake.core/run-workflow. This will run Drake in auto mode, meaning there won't be an interactive user confirmation before running steps. Usage:

(workflow targetv & opts)


(run-workflow "demos/factual" ["+..."])
(run-workflow "demos/factual" ["+..."] :branch "MYBRANCH")
(run-workflow "some/workflow.d" ["+..." "-^D" "-=B"]
              :branch "MYBRANCH" :preview true)
; An empty targetv is the same as running Drake with no targets.
(run-workflow "demos/factual" [])

Example Lein REPL session:

drake(develop) aaroncrow$ lein repl
REPL started; server listening on localhost port 53854
drake.core=> (use 'drake.core)
drake.core=> (run-workflow "demos/factual" ["+..."] :preview true)
Checking for demos/factual/workflow.d
The following steps will be run, in order:
  1: factual.out.json <- [forced]

Note that log messages may not show up on the REPL.