This is a Qt-based application for a C++ project. It is a simple movie recommendation system. The primary focus of the project was efficient data handling doing no data replication (heavy pointer focus), implementing a multitude of data structures and algorithms.
Due to the requirements of the project, any data structures used must have been implemented manually instead of using pre-existing libraries. As such, this project includes several complex data structures like Red-Black Trees and Graphs. Red-Black Trees are the primary storage mechanism due to their O(log n) complexity for primary operations.
Additionally, some other data structures used included Doubly Linked Lists and Vectors for smaller use cases. Also, merge sort algorithm was implemented as it was required in a few places.
The following are the versions of tools and languages used to implement this project. Data files utilized are already included.
- Qt 6.0+ (Used 6.7.0)
- C++ 11