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blackrim edited this page Mar 3, 2013 · 14 revisions

phyx is a series of tools written in C++ for command line phylogenetic procedures. The idea is to work like standard unix/gnu/linux command line tools complete with manpages, stdin, stdout, and one task per program. The default file types are always fasta and newick but there are converters for everything (and you can pipe them!).

A list of the current programs is [here] (

Installation instructions are [here] (

Information for programmers

The goal for the code is to be approachable so that it is easy to add new functionality without too much effort. So class are kept simple and less abstract and methods are intended to be clear. Fork if you like or let me know if you want to join FePhyFoFum. Documentation is just getting started. There are a couple pages to get started. Add comments or edit if you like.

[Code style] (

[Program style] (

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