Flisp is a small lisp dialect. It is currently written in Java. Flisp supports lexical closures, arbitrarily precise arithmetic, and a module system.
(print "Hello World")
Flisp contains two primary data types: the atom and the list. Lists can contain any Flisp data type. Atoms can be: strings, numbers, or symbols. Numbers are arbitrarily precise.
( ... list contents ... )
"Hello World"
1 2 3 -1 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000065 4573523523523532123123124124991
(def greet (fn (name)
(print (concat "Hello " name))))
(greet "Frank") Prints "Hello Frank!"
- Implementation of Sets, Vectors, and Maps.
- Implementation of a macro system.
- There is an issue with relative file locations during imports and exports.
$ git clone <this repo>
$ mvn clean package
$ ./flisp <file path (or empty for repl)>