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Proving QuickCheck Properties


The main goal for the translation of Haskell code to Coq is to prove properties of the Haskell program in Coq. In order to do so, we have to formulate the properties to prove first. Due to the overhead involved with our translation, stating propositions in Coq directly is very tedious. Therefore, we provide a mechanism for deriving Coq properties from QuickCheck properties. This allows us to state the proposition in Haskell instead of Coq.

Writing QuickCheck Properties

The functions from the Test.QuickCheck module listed below are supported by our compiler and can be used to construct properties. In QuickCheck there is the Testable type class. Since our compiler does not support type classes, the types of Testable arguments are instantiated with Property. In order to pass boolean values to such arguments (Bool has a Testable instance), the property function from Testable is exposed for Bool.

  • property :: Bool -> Property
    Converts a boolean value to a property that is satisfied if and only if the value is True. If the computation of the boolean value has an effect, the meaning of the property depends on the chosen effect handler.

  • (==>) :: Bool -> Property -> Property
    Creates an implication in Coq (i.e., ->). The premise of the implication is that the boolean value is True (like property). The conclusion is that the property derived from the second argument holds. If the computation of the premise or conclusion has an effect, their meaning depends on the chosen effect handler. Effects in the premise are handled independently of effects in the conclusion.

  • (===) :: a -> a -> Property
    Creates a property that tests whether the results of handling the given arguments are structurally equal (i.e., = in Coq). Since we do not require an Eq instance, you can even compare functions.

  • (=/=) :: a -> a -> Property
    The negation of (===) (i.e., <> in Coq).

  • (.&&.) :: Property -> Property -> Property
    Creates the conjunction of the given properties (i.e., /\ in Coq). When one of the arguments is not a pure computation, the interpretation of the resulting property depends on the chosen effect handler.

  • (.||.) :: Property -> Property -> Property
    Creates the disjunction of the given properties (i.e., \/ in Coq). When one of the arguments is not a pure computation, the interpretation of the resulting property depends on the chosen effect handler.

Converting QuickCheck Properties To Coq

In addition to the functions listed in the previous section, there is the function quickCheck in our Coq version of the Test.QuickCheck module. In Haskell quickCheck is used to test whether a QuickCheck property holds and has the type Testable prop => prop -> IO (). In Coq we are using it to convert a QuickCheck property into a Coq property (i.e., a Prop) that can be used in Theorem sentences. The argument does not have to be a Property since we have recreated the Testable type class in Coq. If the argument is a function, the function arguments are universally quantified and the result is converted recursively.

Theorem foo: quickCheck prop_foo.

If the construction of a property involves an effect, the interpretation of the resulting Coq property depends on the chosen effect handler. In case of quickCheck, the effect handler is always instantiated with NoHandler which leaves the computation tree unchanged and interprets a property as False when its construction has an effect. For example, the following property is False under the NoHandler.

prop_undefined :: Property
prop_undefined = undefined

In order to choose a different interpretation, use the quickCheckHandle function. It has an additional parameter for the effect handler. The following effect handlers are available for common combinations of effects.

Effect Handler Effect Stack Result Interpretation of Impure Properties
HandlerNoEffect Identity A There are no impure values
HandlerShare Share :+: Identity A Shared properties are evaluated at most once
HandlerMaybe Maybe :+: Identity option A undefined properties are False
HandlerShareMaybe Share :+: Maybe :+: Identity option A undefined properties are False
HandlerError Error :+: Identity A + string Properties with errors are False
HandlerShareError Share :+: Error :+: Identity A + string Properties with errors are False
HandlerND ND :+: Identity list A All properties must be satisfied, empty choices are True
HandlerShareND Share :+: ND :+: Identity list A All properties must be satisfied, empty choices are True
HandlerNDMaybe ND :+: Maybe :+: Identity option (list A) All properties must be satisfied, empty choices are True, but undefined properties are False
HandlerShareNDMaybe Share :+: ND :+: Maybe :+: Identity option (list A) All properties must be satisfied, empty choices are True, but undefined properties are False
HandlerNDError ND :+: Error :+: Identity list A + string All properties must be satisfied, empty choices are True, but properties with errors are False
HandlerShareNDError Share :+: ND :+: Error :+: Identity list A + string All properties must be satisfied, empty choices are True, but properties with errors are False
HandlerTrace Trace :+: Identity A * list string Logged messages are discarded
HandlerShareTrace Share :+: Trace :+: Identity A * list string Logged messages are discarded
HandlerMaybeTrace Maybe :+: Trace :+: Identity option A * list string Logged messages are discarded, undefined properties are False
HandlerMaybeShareTrace Maybe :+: Share :+: Trace :+: Identity option A * list string Logged messages are discarded, undefined properties are False
HandlerErrorTrace Error :+: Trace :+: Identity (A + string) * list string Logged messages are discarded, properties with errors are False
HandlerErrorShareTrace Error :+: Share :+: Trace :+: Identity (A + string) * list string Logged messages are discarded, properties with errors are False
Tracing and Non-Determinism
HandlerTraceND Trace :+: ND :+: Identity list (A * list string) Logged messages are discarded, all properties must be satisfied, empty choices are True
HandlerNDMaybeTrace ND :+: Maybe :+: Trace :+: Identity option (list A) * string string Logged messages are discarded, all properties must be satisfied, empty choices are True, but undefined properties are False
HandlerNDErrorTrace ND :+: Error :+: Trace :+: Identity (list A + string) * string string Logged messages are discarded, all properties must be satisfied, empty choices are True, but properties with errors are False

In contrast to NoHandler all handlers above are normalizing (where A is the normalized result type), i.e., all nested computations in the result are forced recursively. For example, the property [undefined] === undefined does not hold with NoHandler because the left-hand side is pure and the right-hand side is impure. But when another handler is used, the single element of [undefined] is forced which results in the left-hand side to evaluate to undefined, too.

Selecting Evaluation Strategies

The compiler generates code that can be evaluated with arbitrary evaluation strategies that can be selected at runtime. By default, properties are universally quantified over the evaluation strategy. The evaluation Strategy type is an inductive data type with three constructors — one for every supported strategy. Additionally there are smart constructors that take the Shape and Position explicitly like all other constructors in our framework.

Evaluation Strategy Constructor Smart Constructor
Call-By-Name cbn Cbn Shape Pos
Call-By-Need cbneed Cbneed Shape Pos
Call-By-Value cbv Cbv Shape Pos

You can destruct the evaluation strategy in order to prove a property that holds for every evaluation strategy. However, most properties are evaluation strategy specific. To select the call-by-name or call-by-value strategy, use the following notation.

Theorem foo_cbn: quickCheck (withStrategy Cbn prop_foo).
Theorem foo_cbv: quickCheck (withStrategy Cbv prop_foo).

The call-by-need strategy needs an additional Injectable constraint for the Share syntax. Thus, the following alternative syntax must be used.

Theorem foo_cbneed: quickCheck (withSharing prop_foo).

withStrategy leaves the effect stack universally quantified. However, when using quickCheckHandle, the effect stack is fixed and withStrategy cannot be used. In this case, the following notation is needed.

Theorem foo_cbn:    quickCheckHandle (@prop_foo _ _ cbn)    SomeHandler.
Theorem foo_cbneed: quickCheckHandle (@prop_foo _ _ cbneed) SomeHandler.
Theorem foo_cbv:    quickCheckHandle (@prop_foo _ _ cbv)    SomeHandler.

In the next sections we want to demonstrate how to prove converted QuickCheck properties.

Effect-Generic Proofs

Suppose we want to prove that list concatenation is associative. First we have to define list concatenation since (++) is not yet part of the version of the Prelude that is included with the compiler.

append :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
xs `append` ys = case xs of
  []      -> ys
  x : xs' -> x : (xs' `append` ys)

Next we write a QuickCheck property that states that append is associative.

import Test.QuickCheck

prop_append_assoc :: (Eq a, Show a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> Property
prop_append_assoc xs ys zs =
  xs `append` (ys `append` zs) === (xs `append` ys) `append` zs

Note: The type class contexts are needed only to form valid QuickCheck properties. If you don't want to test the properties with GHC before proving them, they can be omitted. They are ignored by our compiler.

Both definitions can be found in the Proofs.AppendAssoc example. Let's first convince ourselves that this property holds by running QuickCheck.

ghci ./example/Proofs/AppendAssoc.hs
*Proofs.AppendAssoc> quickCheck prop_append_assoc
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

Before we can attempt a prove in Coq, we have to translate the Haskell code to Coq and compile the generated Coq code first.

freec -o ./example/generated ./example/Proofs/AppendAssoc.hs
./tool/ ./example/generated

We do not have to touch the generated Coq code at all. Just create a new .v file where you want to write your proofs.

Note: Make sure that both the base library and the generated code are visible from your newly created Coq file. Ideally, you create a _CoqProject file that sets the Base and Generated logical names appropriately.

In the newly created .v file we first import the generated code and the QuickCheck library. Then we can use the quickCheck function to transform our QuickCheck property to a Coq property that we can proof. Let's consider call-by-name evaluation in this example.

From Base Require Import Test.QuickCheck.
From Generated Require Import Proofs.AppendAssoc.

Theorem append_assoc: quickCheck (withStrategy Cbn prop_append_assoc).
  (* FILL IN HERE *)

Use your favorite editor with Coq integration to carry out the proof. See example/Proofs/AppendAssocProofs.v where we have carried out the proof for append_assocs already. Proving the associativity of append requires some auxiliary lemmas. A simpler example for proving a QuickCheck property can be found in example/Proofs/ListFunctorProofs.v where we proved that lists satisfy the functor identity law.

Non-Effect-Generic Proofs

The proofs above have in common that they state a property that holds regardless of the effect. This is not always the case, though.

Consider the reverse function which reverses a list for example. One would expect that reversing a list twice yields the original list, i.e., that reverse is its own inverse. However, while this is true in a total setting, it is not if we consider partiality. We can use the same approach discussed above to prove this fact.

Again we start by defining reverse and stating our proposition in Haskell (See Proofs.ReverseInvolutive for details).

import Test.QuickCheck

reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse = {- ... -}

prop_reverse_involutive :: (Eq a, Show a) => [a] -> Property
prop_reverse_involutive xs = reverse (reverse xs) === xs

Testing prop_reverse_involutive using QuickCheck suggests that the property is indeed true for arbitrary input lists.

ghci ./example/Proofs/ReverseInvolutive.hs
*Proofs.ReverseInvolutive> quickCheck prop_reverse_involutive
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

This happens since the Arbitrary instance for lists considers total values only and never yields lists of the form x : ⊥. We can prove that reverse is not involutive in a partial setting by instantiating prop_reverse_involutive with the Maybe monad and negating the property returned by quickCheck. Furthermore, we have to use quickCheck' instead of quickCheck because we don't want the Shape and Position to be universally quantified.

From Base Require Import Free.Instance.Maybe.

Example partial_reverse_non_involutive:
  ~quickCheck' (@prop_reverse_involutive Maybe.Shape Maybe.Pos).
  (* FILL IN HERE *)

Similarly, we can prove that reverse is its own inverse in a total setting by instantiating prop_reverse_involutive with the Identity monad instead.

From Base Require Import Free.Instance.Identity.

Theorem total_reverse_involutive:
  quickCheck' (@prop_reverse_involutive Identity.Shape Identity.Pos).
  (* FILL IN HERE *)

As usual the full proofs can be found in example/Proofs/ReverseInvolutiveProofs.v.

Limitations of Sharing in Proofs

The current implementation of sharing is quite difficult to work with. While it is usually trivial to prove properties without parameters (since Coq can simply evaluate all expressions and makes sure that the equalities hold), it is very difficult to prove properties even with just a single parameter if the sharing effect is considered. Additionally, arguments of QuickCheck properties are universally quantified when converted to Coq. However, the generated Coq code expects all function and constructor applications to be in a flat form (i.e., all arguments are shared variables). Thus, properties with arguments may behave unexpectedly. For example, consider the following QuickCheck property.

double :: Integer -> Integer
double x = x + x

prop_double :: Integer -> Property
prop_double x = double x === 2 * x

The property should be satisfied if we consider call-by-need or call-by-value evaluation. However, since double x and x + x are in flat form already, the compiler generates no sharing syntax but correctly assumes the caller of double and prop_double to apply the function only with shared variables. The universal quantification of x by our QuickCheck extension breaks this assumption, though. As a workaround, you can introduce sharing syntax yourself.

prop_double :: Integer -> Property
prop_double x = (let y = x in double y) === 2 * x

Since the framework supports deep sharing, this also works when x is a more complex data structure.