All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Changes from v4.0.0-rc.1 and v4.0.0-rc.2
- Help box for Invoice number format setting
v4.0.0-rc.2 - 2025-02-16
- Change filename prefix for admin panel invoice download to be format with some possible placeholders instead
- Do not show zero value Payment charge costs in the invoice
- Moved new FilenameCalculator class to Document domain, as they are used not only for emails now
- InvoiceConfigurationRepositoryInterface::getByOrderId doesnt return null anymore
- Not used methods leftovers from ModuleSettings
- Updated the phpunit and other testing tools to fit 7.1 shop dependencies
v4.0.0-rc.1 - 2025-02-09
- New settings for configuring the invoice filename format in the order confirmation email for both owner and customer cases.
- New settings for turning on the invoice attachment for customer and owner cases.
- Support netto prices with separate VATs for delivery and payment costs, respecting the shop's configuration.
- Moved classes to better fitting domains:
- Email configuration settings moved to the
- PHP 8.0 support
v3.1.0 - 2024-10-01
- New setting for configuring the filename of the invoice document in the order confirmation email
v3.0.1 - 2024-09-28
- Fix the issue with the invoice filename in the email - now its "invoice.pdf" instead of "example.pdf"
v3.0.0 - 2024-09-26
- Logo updated
- Layout settings for invoice document - Document margins are adjustable
- Possibility to add document Header (and there was a footer already, but to be handled through @page css)
- Possibility to automatically increase the Invoice number for the Order on invoice generation
- Possibility to set a template for Invoice number and use invoice number from the Order
- Blocks in body.html.twig for customizing the template by your needs
- Possibility to automatically calculate the current date by specific format from the settings
- Double-check question for Regeneration of the document
- New block for showing if document already generated with Download button
- Invoice document footer setting moved to Layout settings group
- Improve quality tools configurations
- In admin controller there is no separate Save action anymore, it saves And generates the new document at once
- Add signer line in the invoice document only if value is not empty
- Smarty support
v2.1.0 - 2023-11-08
- Show total amount in words in the invoice
- Language functionality have been moved to separate (Language) namespace
- Cleanup too much visibility on autowired utility interfaces that should not be exposed
v2.0.0 - 2023-10-07
- Php 8.1 and Mysql 8.0 supported
- Possibility to generate PDFA format invoice documents
- BC Break: Inverted dependencies on most of the classes to extracted interfaces
- BC Break: Heavily refactored most of the classes
- Use Symfony filesystem utility in place of Webmozart
- Do not use shop namespaces for module services
- Invoice generation if invoice language does not exist on admin side
v1.3.0 - 2023-03-06
- Show company VAT Id in the invoice buyer column
v1.2.0 - 2023-03-04
- Show Discounts, Voucher discounts and VATs in totals column
v1.1.0 - 2023-02-28
- Twig shop installation support
- Migrations trigger during module activation
- Invoice is now downloaded with dynamic filename (invoice number is included)
- Downloaded file name prefix is configurable in settings
- Currency shown near prices in the invoice
- Footer for invoice document is modifiable in module settings
- Delivery cost shown in the invoice
- In case title is not overwritten for varriant, parent title is now taken
v1.0.0 - 2022-11-16
- New tab in admin for Order - Invoice
- PDF file generated from order data with possibility to adjust some of the fields and regenerate the invoice file
- Invoice generated in Shop's main language (if translation available)