A tilelive.js adapter for reading from tile storage cache of ArcGIS
This is a tilelive adapter from tile storage cache of ESRI ArcGIS.
It is readonly currently and can't be used to generate ArcGIS tile caches.
There are 3 types of ArcGIS Tile Formats:
Exploded Tile: The only format of ArcGIS 9.3.1 and before
Compact Tile is a tile format since ArcGIS version 10. It bundles exploded tile files into a .bundlx and a .bundle file and really reduces number of tile files.
Improved Compact Tile: a new improved compact format introduced in ArcGIS 10.3.
npm install tilelive-arcgis
##Tilelive Protocol
// filetype is an optional parameter, default is 'png'.
// It is only useful for exploded tiles in other formats besides png
var url = 'arcgis://path/to/tiles?filetype=jpg'
var fs = require('fs');
var Arcgis = require('tileive-arcgis');
//root folder of the tiles, where the Conf.xml stands
new Arcgis('arcgis://./test/sample/bundle', function(err, source) {
if (err) throw err;
source.getTile(2, 0xd50, 0x971, function(err, tile, headers) {
if (err) throw err;
//tile is the buffer.
source.getInfo(function(error, info){
if (err) throw err;