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File metadata and controls

82 lines (58 loc) · 11.9 KB

[This is a description of the step-by-step technical process by which we 'scan' each Initial URL. These steps come after the initial process of building the website index.]

First off, before any scans take place, the process of ingesting the initial URL list into the database populates the following fields:

  • Initial URL
  • Initial Domain
  • Initial Base Domain
  • Initial Top Level Domain
  • Agency
  • Bureau
  • Branch
  • Data Source
  • Public
  • Filtered

When scanning commences, this core file dictates which scans are run. Due to the nature of the code base, the scans run asynchronously (i.e. they don't necessarily run in the order they are written in the code). Each scan operates separately and don't talk to each other.

The current scans are:

  • primary - Loads the Initial URL and analyzes the resulting Final URL, generating most of the Site Scanning data.
  • dns - Analyzes the DNS of the Final URL using a Node.js library (instead of Puppeteer).
  • notFound - Tests for proper 404 behavior using an https service (instead of Puppeteer).
  • robotsTxt - Appends /robots.txt to the Initial URL, loads it, and analyzes the resulting robots.txt Final URL.
  • sitemapXml - Appends /sitemap.xml to the Initial URL, loads it, and analyzes the resulting sitemap.xml Final URL.
  • accessibility - Loads axe-core to run against each Initial URL, then preserves the results from certain tests.
  • performance - Loads a performance observer object to capture the relevant fields from the browser's API.
  • security - Refers to XXXXXXX file and applies the second column.

Each scan notes whether it Completed, or failed due to one of the following reasons: Timeout, DNS resolution error, Invalid SSL cert, Connection refused, Connection reset, or Unknown error. These populate the Scan Status - Primary, Scan Status - DNS, Scan Status - Not Found, Scan Status - Robots.txt, and Scan Status - Sitemap.xml fields.

The Scan Status - Date field is populated when the scan data is written to the database.

Primary Scan

The primary scan uses Puppeteer to load a Initial URL in a headless Chrome/Chromium browser. It then (again asynchronously) runs a number of what might be thought of as scan components, the list of which can be found here and the code for which can be found here.

At the moment, these 'scan components' are:

  • urlScan - which loads the Initial URL and then notes whether it redirects; what the Final URL is; whether it is live; what its server status code, filetype, and base domain are; and whether the Final URL is on the same domain and same website as the Initial URL. This populates the URL, Domain, Base Domain, Top Level Domain, Media Type, Live, Redirects, and Status Code fields.
    • For Live - it is marked TRUE if the final server status code is one of these - 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206.
    • For Redirects - it is marked TRUE if there are one or more components in the redirect chain of the request method.
  • cloudDotGovPagesScan - which looks to see if there's an x-server response header that says pages. This populates the Infrastructure - Pages Detected field.
  • cmsScan - which looks for certain code snippets in the page html and headers that indicate the use of a certain CMS. These code snippets are borrowed from the great work of Wappalyzer, specifically the files in this folder. This populates the Infrastructure - CMS Provider field.
  • cookieScan - which uses Puppeteer's built in functionality to note the domains of all cookies that load. This populates the Infrastructure - Cookie Domains field.
  • dapScan - which captures the outbound requests that occur when the target URL loads and notes whether a call using the Digital Analytics Program tag IDs ('G-CSLL4ZEK4L') is one of them. If it is, the Google Analytics parameters are also captured. This capture of parameters fails though if the DAP snippet is self-hosted. Therefore, the scan looks at all outbound requests and sees if they come from a url ending in Universal-Federated-Analytics-Min.js and if it does, then still captures the parameters. These steps populate the Infrastructure - DAP Detected and Infrastructure - DAP Parameters fields.
  • loginScan - which looks for certain code snippets in the page html to indicate the presence of a login form or the use of a certain login provider. This populates the Infrastructure - Login Provider and Infrastructure - Login Detected fields.
  • mobileScan - which looks for a certain code snippet to indicate the presence of a viewport meta tag. This populates the Mobile - Viewport Meta Tag Detected field.
  • requiredLinksScan - which looks for certain strings in each hyperlinked text and associated URLs that may indicate the presence of a required link, as specified on this page. This populates the Required Links - URL and Required Links - Text fields.
  • searchScan - which looks for certain code snippets in the page html to indicate the presence of a site search form or to indicate the use of This populates the Infrastructure - Site Search Detected and Infrastructure - Detected fields.
  • seoScan - which looks for various search engine optimization elements within the page's source code. This populates the SEO - title, SEO - description, SEO - og:title, SEO - og:description, SEO - article:published_time, SEO - article:modified_time, SEO - Main Element and SEO - Canonical Link fields.
  • thirdPartyScan - which captures the outbound requests that occur when the target URL loads, notes them, and counts how many unique third party services they represent. This populates the Infrastructure - Third Party Service Domains and Infrastructure - Third Party Service Count fields.
  • uswdsScan - which looks for various US Web Design System elements within the page's source code, and also uses a formula to calculate the likelihood that USWDS is present on that page. This populates the USWDS - Favicon, USWDS - Favicon in CSS, USWDS - Merriweather Font, USWDS - Public Sans Font, USWDS - Source Sans Font, USWDS - Tables, USWDS - Count, USWDS - USA Classes, USWDS - Inline CSS, USWDS - String, USWDS - String in CSS, USWDS - Semantic Version, and USWDS - Version fields.

DNS Scan

  • The IPv6 test looks within the DNS for the presence of an AAAA record. This populates the DNS - IPv6 field.
  • For the hostname field, only certain results that contain one of these strings are included, so as to better highlight the most common cloud services. This populates the DNS - Hostname field.

Not Found Scan

  • A random string is added as a path after the Target URL to test how the site handles 404 errors. This populates the Target URL - 404 Test field.

Robots.txt Scan

/robots.txt is appended to the Target URL and loaded. The scan then notes whether it redirects; what the Final URL is; whether it is live; what its server status code, filetype, and file size are; whether the Final URL is live and if the entire path is /robots.txt; what the robots.txt crawl delay is (if it is there); and what the urls of sitemaps listed in the robots.txt are. This populates the Robots.txt - Detected, Robots.txt - Target URL - Redirects, Robots.txt - Final URL, Robots.txt - Final URL - Live,Robots.txt - Final URL - Status Code, Robots.txt - Final URL - Media Type, Robots.txt - Final URL - Filesize, Robots.txt - Crawl Delay, and Robots.txt - Sitemap Locations fields.

  • For Robots.txt - Final URL - Live - it is marked TRUE if the final server status code is one of these - 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206.
  • For Robots.txt - Target URL - Redirects - it is marked TRUE if the are one or more components in the redirect chain of the request method.
  • For Robots.txt - Detected, the analysis looks at whether Robots.txt - Final URL - Live is TRUE for its decision (as opposed to the relevant server status code).

Sitemap.xml Scan

/sitemap.xml is appended to the Target URL and loaded. The scan then notes whether it redirects; what the Final URL is; whether it is live; what its server status code, filetype, and file size are; whether the Final URL is live and if the entire path is /sitemap.xml; what the sitemap.xml item count is; and what count of urls ending in .pdf are in it. This populates the Sitemap.xml - Detected, Sitemap.xml - Target URL - Redirects, Sitemap.xml - Final URL, Sitemap.xml - Final URL - Live, Sitemap.xml - Final URL - Status Code, Sitemap.xml - Final URL - Media Type, Sitemap.xml - Final URL - Filesize, Sitemap.xml - Items Count, and Sitemap.xml - PDF Countfields.

  • For Sitemap.xml - Final URL - Live - it is marked TRUE if the final server status code is one of these - 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206.
  • For Sitemap.xml - Target URL - Redirects - it is marked TRUE if the are one or more components in the redirect chain of the request method.
  • For Sitemap.xml - Detected, the analysis looks at whether Robots.txt - Final URL - Live is TRUE for its decision (as opposed to the relevant server status code).

Other Notes

  • In the above folders, the x.ts files are the scans/scan components themselves and the x.spec.ts files are the test files.