All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Entity destruction detection to observers (#1458, @kuukitenshi).
- Added CollisionGroup component to support internal collision layer overrides (#535, @fallenatlas).
- Made collision layer and mask their own components (#535, @fallenatlas).
- Make RenderPicker optional (#1407, @tomas7770).
- Allow mouse state to be changed through the input plugin (#1401, @mcanais).
v0.6.0 - 2025-02-10
- SSAO resolution scale (#1423, @tomas7770).
- Warm starting for collision solving (#1248, @fallenatlas).
- Conditional shader compilation (#1406, @tomas7770).
- Collision layers and masks, for filtering collisions and raycasts (@RiscadoA).
- Frustum geometry and intersection functions (#1184, @mkuritsu).
- Enable ImGui docking branch and modify Tesseratos to accommodate it (#839, @jdbaracho).
- Make SSAO optional (#1396, @tomas7770).
- Made the fixed step accumulator a public resource of the fixed step plugin (@RiscadoA).
- Normalize normals while drawing to the GBuffer to avoid shiny small objects (@RiscadoA).
- Make FreeCameraController respect other plugins locking the mouse (@RiscadoA).
- Draw Transform Gizmos for all active cameras instead of only the first one (@RiscadoA).
- Consider Collider component transform matrix while doing Raycast (@RiscadoA).
- Screen Space Ambient Occlusion noise undefined behavior (@RiscadoA).
- Added missing updates to mouse and gamepad buttons on input axes (@RiscadoA).
- Added missing reflection for sound field of AudioSource component (@RiscadoA).
- Added libpulseaudio to NixOS flake, which was necessary to get audio working on NixOS (@RiscadoA).
- Fixed Gizmos selection on HiDPI screens (@diogomsmiranda).
v0.5.0 - 2024-12-01
- Collision detection with VoxelCollisionShapes (#994, @joaomanita).
- Allow identifying assets in code from their path (#1177, @GalaxyCrush).
- Debug camera rotation through middle mouse hold (#1030, @jdbaracho).
- Compatibility with CMake find_package (#1326, @RiscadoA).
- A proper Nix package which can be used to install Cubos and Tesseratos (#1327, RiscadoA).
- Option to use Shadow Normal Offset Bias algorithm (#1308, @GalaxyCrush).
- UI text element using MSDF for text rendering (#1300, @mkuritsu).
- Anti-aliasing using FXAA technique (#1334, @kuukitenshi).
- Point light shadows (#1188, @tomas7770).
- Method to save settings to files (#1349, @SrGesus).
- Resource to easily configure constants in the physics solver (#1281, @GCeSilva).
- Audio plugin which uses the audio context abstraction (#1004, @Dageus, @diogomsmiranda).
- Contact caching for collision between box shapes (#1355, @fallenatlas).
- Template Cubos project (#1009, @RiscadoA).
- Web support, through Emscripten (#465, @luishfonseca, @RiscadoA).
- Reduced performance overhead of directional shadow support (#1345, @tomas7770).
- Replaced git submodules with CMake FetchContent (#1327, RiscadoA).
- Fixed delta time not used in some physics systems and simulations exploding after being frozen for too long (@joaomanita).
- Crash in ECS when removing or destroying components with observers (#1348, @SrGesus).
- Crash when opening the Play Pause menu (SrGesus).
- Duplicated destructor call in AnyVector which caused double free crashes on multiple samples (@RiscadoA).
- Compiler Error when using -O3 flag (#1351, @SrGesus).
- Flipped documentation of SystemBuilder::before and SystemBuilder::after (#1371, @RiscadoA).
- Inconsistent behavior on ECS queries on symmetric self-relations (@RiscadoA).
- Undefined behavior on ECS entity removal due to creating tables while iterating over tables (#1363, @RiscadoA).
- Made canvas draw calls sorted by layer in order to prevent undeterministic behavior when drawing elements with transparency (@mkuritsu).
- Crash when using ImGui across DLL boundaries (#1144, @RiscadoA).
v0.4.0 - 2024-10-13
- PhysicsMaterial component (#1254, @fallenatlas).
- Components to support rigid body rotation (#865, @fallenatlas).
- Compute contact points and contact manifold for collision between boxes (#1243, @fallenatlas).
- Handle body rotation on physics integration (#1242, @fallenatlas).
- Binary Serializer and Deserializer (#1306, @RiscadoA).
- Type Client and Type Server (#1302, @RiscadoA).
- Deadzone for input axis (#844, @kuukitenshi).
- Generic Camera component to hold projection matrix (#1331, @mkuritsu).
- Initial application debugging through Tesseratos (#1303, @RiscadoA).
- Print stacktrace with cpptrace on calls to CUBOS_FAIL (#1172, @RiscadoA).
- Orthographic Camera component (#1182, @mkuritsu).
- Importer plugin (#1299, @Scarface1809).
- Handle body rotation on penetration solving (#1272, @fallenatlas).
- Cascaded shadow maps (#1187, @tomas7770).
- Global telemetry level (for tracing/logging) (#1265, @roby2014).
- Spans for tracing and profiling (#1265, @roby2014).
- Simple cross-platform multi-process utilities (@RiscadoA).
- Project opening and closing on Tesseratos (#1218, @RiscadoA).
- Moved Glad and stb-image libs to another repositories, cubos-glad and cubos-stb, respectively (#1323, @kuukitenshi).
- Moved most tools from Tesseratos to the engine (#1322, @RiscadoA).
- Replaced OpenAL audio device with Miniaudio backend (#1005, @Dageus, @diogomsmiranda).
- Spot light angle mismatch between light and shadows (#1310, @tomas7770).
- Spot shadows cause light range cutoff (#1312, @tomas7770).
- Precision error in split screen size calculations (@mkuritsu).
- Incorrect loop condition in createTexture2DArray (@tomas7770).
- Use glTexImage3D instead of glTexStorage3D in createTexture2DArray (@tomas7770).
v0.3.0 - 2024-08-02
- UI canvas, elements, and color rectangles (#1116, @DiogoMendonc-a).
- Implemented file-based logging (#1154, @roby2014).
- Start and update methods to the Cubos class (#1213, @RiscadoA).
- Reset method to the Cubos class (#1225, @RiscadoA).
- Plugin injection to the Cubos class (#1214, @RiscadoA).
- Utility class used to load plugins from shared libraries (#1035, @RiscadoA).
- Implemented metrics and profiling tools (#1150, @roby2014).
- GL timer for profiling sections of rendering code (#1228, @tomas7770).
- Shadows plugin (#1185, @tomas7770).
- Network Address class (#1211, @roby2014).
- Image asset and UI Image component (#1270, @DiogoMendonc-a).
- Raycasting, collisions between rays and box/capsule colliders (#225, @diogomsmiranda).
- Change speed of the debug-camera using Tab and LShift, positive and negative respectively (#1159, @diogomsmiranda).
- Console plugin (#875, @Scarface1809).
- Friction calculation for penetration constraint (#1244, @fallenatlas).
- Bounciness calculation for penetration constraint (#1275, @fallenatlas).
- UI scaling modes (#1284, @DiogoMendonc-a).
- Shadow mapping with support for spot shadow casters (#1186, @tomas7770).
- TcpStream network class (#1209, @roby2014).
- TcpListener network class (#1210, @roby2014).
- UdpSocket network class (#1208, @roby2014).
- Move Opt class to memory namespace (#1212, @roby2014).
- Moved from XPBD to TGS Soft for physics solving (#1269, @fallenatlas).
- Allow arbitrary input combinations for actions and axes (#417, #1279, @luishfonseca).
- Replaced fallback anonymous reflection types by a new anonymous reflection macro (#1163, @RiscadoA).
v0.2.0 - 2024-05-07
- Trait for representing inheritance relationships under reflection. (#693, @roby2014).
- Log the system order on the dispatcher (#414, @RiscadoA).
- Support for queries with multiple relation terms (#929, @RiscadoA).
- Support for queries with more than one unrelated targets (#930, @RiscadoA).
- Allow iterating over entity relations directly through the World (#1006, @RiscadoA).
- Observers, which allow reacting to component addition and removal (#724, @RiscadoA).
- Support for untyped resources (#1057, @RiscadoA).
- Addition and removal of resources through Commands (#325, @RiscadoA).
- New feature guide focused on queries (#995, @RiscadoA).
- Plugins system argument, which can be used to dynamically add and remove plugins (#1034, @RiscadoA).
- Task class, for use in asynchronous code (#1111, @RiscadoA).
- Fixed Time Step plugin (#989, @joaomanita).
- Access to unscaled delta time for utilities like the debug camera (#1020, @RiscadoA).
- Defaults plugin (#229, @RiscadoA).
- Global position, rotation and scale getters (#1002, @DiogoMendonc-a).
- Rotated box Gizmo (#878, @DiogoMendonc-a).
- Optional synchronous loading to asset bridges (@RiscadoA).
- Shader asset and bridge (#1058, @tomas7770).
- GBuffer plugin (#1061, @RiscadoA).
- Camera plugin (#1063, @tomas7770).
- RenderTarget plugin (#1059, @tomas7770).
- RenderPicker plugin (#1060, @tomas7770).
- ToneMapping plugin (#1087, @RiscadoA).
- RenderDepth plugin (#1082, @RiscadoA).
- HDR plugin (#1085, @RiscadoA).
- Lights plugin (#1135, @RiscadoA).
- Render Voxels plugin (#1119, @RiscadoA).
- Render Mesh plugin (#1110, @RiscadoA).
- GBuffer Rasterizer plugin (#1062, @RiscadoA).
- Deferred Shading plugin (#1086, @RiscadoA).
- SSAO plugin (#1088, @RiscadoA).
- Split Screen plugin for the new camera plugin (#1149, @tomas7770).
- Bloom plugin (#1089, @RiscadoA).
- Render Defaults plugin (#1158, @RiscadoA).
- Allow toggling vSync through setting (@RiscadoA).
- ECS Statistics tesseratos plugin (#1024, @RiscadoA).
- Show childOf hierarchy on the world inspector (#991, @diogomsmiranda).
- Rotation to the Transform Gizmo (#878, @DiogoMendonc-a).
- Search bar to World Inspector which allows filtering by components (#1105, @diogomsmiranda).
- Allow filtering by entity names in the World Inspector (#1106, @diogomsmiranda).
- Show relations on the Entity Inspector (#907, @RiscadoA).
- Allow adding and removing relations through the Entity Inspector (#1022, @RiscadoA).
- Possibility of building the core library as a shared library (#1052, @RiscadoA).
- Possibility of building the engine library as a shared library (#1053, @RiscadoA).
- Allow detecting rising/falling edges on Input actions (#958, @diogomsmiranda).
- Solve collisions with proper constraints (#1015, @fallenatlas).
- Substeps sub-loop in fixed step for physics simulation (@fallenatlas).
- Allow adding sub-scenes through the scene editor (#552, @teres4).
- Make reflection work for all types, even those without reflection implemented (#1092, @RiscadoA).
- Move away from string tags to typed tags (#918, @joaomanita).
- Force plugins to be added only once (#422, @RiscadoA).
- Return direct references to resources instead of guards on World (#922, @RiscadoA).
- Stop using old serialization to load Settings (#1100, @RiscadoA).
- Make transform gizmo screen size independent from entity's distance to camera (#1017, @DiogoMendonc-a)
- Palette & Grid saving/loading now use streams instead of serialization (#572, @Dacops).
- Split Dispatcher into Planner and Schedule (#1117, @RiscadoA).
- Use Pixel Pack Buffers to speed up entity picking (@RiscadoA).
- Make Gizmos plugin draw to RenderTargets (#1157, @RiscadoA).
- Make ImGui plugin use RenderTargets (#1140, @RiscadoA).
- Change solver to use penetration constraint for collision solving (#1015, @fallenatlas).
- Old renderer plugin (#1160, @RiscadoA).
- Old core debug renderer code (#668, @RiscadoA).
- Template-based serialization system (#1101, @Dacops).
- Crash in multiple samples due to missing plugin dependencies (@RiscadoA).
- Cursor offset in tesseratos when on retina displays (#998, @diogomsmiranda).
- Random failures in the ECS stress test (#948, @RiscadoA).
- System condition being ignored by Cubos (#1032, @RiscadoA).
- Wrong tranform gizmo position for entities with parents (#1003, @DiogoMendonc-a).
- Free camera controller angle not being bounded (#1016, @diogomsmiranda).
- Crash when meshing an empty voxel grid (@RiscadoA).
- Double destruction in AnyVector::swapErase (@RiscadoA).
- Crash due to DataInspector BeginTable calls being unchecked (#1036, @RiscadoA).
- Segmentation fault when closing window with deferred renderer plugin (#959, @RiscadoA).
- Scenes saving unnecessary non-overridden sub-scene components (#988, @RiscadoA).
v0.1.0 - 2024-02-17
- This CHANGELOG file! It's time we start keeping track of what we have done.
- Serialization system based on reflection (#435, @RiscadoA, @Dacops).
- Trait for describing enum types under reflection (#579, @roby2014).
- New JSON asset bridge based on the new serialization system (#856, @Dacops).
- Relations to the ECS (#656, @RiscadoA, also, there's a blog post on this!).
- Queries which can be built dynamically (#882, @RiscadoA).
- Broadphase collision detection for boxes and capsules (#905, @luishfonseca, @fallenatlas).
- Physics plugin which for now only implements particle physics (#200, @fallenatlas).
- Bootstrap the Gizmo plugin (#512, @DiogoMendonc-a).
- Transform gizmo, used to move selected entities (#213, @DiogoMendonc-a)
- Free camera controller plugin (#720, @diogomsmiranda).
- Split screen plugin, which sets the viewports of active cameras automatically (#760, @joaomanita).
- Screen picker plugin (#868, @tomas7770).
- Entity picking through the entity selector plugin (#871, @tomas7770).
- Toolbox plugin, which manages other TESSERATOS windows (#519, @teres4).
- Voxel palette editor plugin (#662, @roby2014).
- Scene editor plugin (#265, #551, @DiogoMendonc-a, @teres4, @roby2014).
- Metrics panel plugin, which only shows FPS statistics for now (#275, @Scarface1809).
- Parent-child hierarchies to the transform plugin, at last (#334, @luishfonseca, @RiscadoA).
- New trait type for handling bit masks (@RiscadoA).
- Buttons to add/remove components through the entity inspector (#906, @RiscadoA).
- Narrow-phase collision detection plugin (#524, @fallenatlas).
- Ephemeral trait, used to indicate that relations and components shouldn't be persisted (@RiscadoA).
- Collider gizmos plugin, used to view collision shapes (@RiscadoA).
- Delta Time multiplier, can be used to adjust simulation speed (#866, @RiscadoA).
- Collision Solver plugin (#532, @fallenatlas).
- Also track test coverage of engine (#941, @luishfonseca)
- Start using reflection on most of the ECS (#462, @RiscadoA).
- Change the ECS to be archetype-based (#819, @RiscadoA)
- Move the Cubos class to the core (#900, @RiscadoA).
- Switch to new system syntax (#896, @RiscadoA).
- Change Gizmo plugin to use the Screen picker plugin (#870, @tomas7770).
- Default to debug camera when no other camera is active (#840, @RiscadoA).
- Bump
. - Bump
- Template-based serialization system (#571, @RiscadoA).
- Bridges based on the deprecated serialization system (#436, @Dacops, @RiscadoA).
, as we no longer need code generation with the new reflection-based ECS (#849, @RiscadoA).- Dependency on
(#830, @RiscadoA).
- Engine tests are now compilable and run in the CI (#566, @RiscadoA).
- Crash when selected entity is destroyed (#477, @DiogoMendonc-a).
- Crash when using OpenGL < 4.3 (#740, @diogomsmiranda).
- Crash when a renderable grid has a null asset (#956, @RiscadoA).
- Bug where other PRs doc previews are deleted when you merge a single PR (#563, @RiscadoA).
- Fix spotlight transform and cutoff math (@RiscadoA).
- Gravity not working for all entities if an entity had inverse mass smaller or equal to zero (@fallenatlas).
- Nuno Baptista, for the logo, the engine's visual identity and the editor's UX design.
Before we started documenting changes, there were some key contributors who helped shape the engine. Although they've moved on, their work is etched into the project's foundations.
- @ratuspro, for bringing the initial team together to work on this project and for his work on the input and settings managers and other utilities.
- @joaopat98, for his work on setting up the repo, coordinating the initial team efforts and writing our first renderer.
- @DannyIsYog, for his work on the input manager and for writing our first ECS dispatcher.
- @rsubtil, for his work on bloom, SSAO, the dispatcher, and various essential engine features such as the Cubos class and the window plugin.
- @EdSwordsmith, for introducing us to the ECS design paradigm and writing its first version on the engine.
- @JoseGraca96256, for his work on the first audio device abstraction.