Faker::Company.name #=> "Hirthe-Ritchie"
Faker::Company.suffix #=> "Group"
Faker::Company.industry #=> "Information Services"
# Generate a buzzword-laden catch phrase.
Faker::Company.catch_phrase #=> "Business-focused coherent parallelism"
Faker::Company.buzzword #=> "Business-focused"
# When a straight answer won't do, BS to the rescue!
Faker::Company.bs #=> "empower one-to-one web-readiness"
# Generate US employee identification numbers
Faker::Company.ein #=> "34-8488813"
# Generate "Data Universal Numbering System"
Faker::Company.duns_number #=> "08-341-3736"
# Get a random company logo url in PNG format.
Faker::Company.logo #=> "https://pigment.github.com/fake-logos/logos/medium/color/5.png"
Faker::Company.type #=> "Privately Held"
# Get a random profession
Faker::Company.profession #=> "firefighter"
# Generate country specific identifiers
# Get a random Swedish organisation number
Faker::Company.swedish_organisation_number #=> "7962578022"
# Get a random Czech organisation number
Faker::Company.czech_organisation_number #=> "77778171"
# Get a random French siren number
Faker::Company.french_siren_number #=> "819489626"
# Get a random French siret number
Faker::Company.french_siret_number #=> "81948962600013"
# Get a random Norwegian organisation number
Faker::Company.norwegian_organisation_number #=> "839071558"
# Get a random Australian organisation number
Faker::Company.australian_business_number #=> "81137773602"
# Get a random Spanish organisation number
Faker::Company.spanish_organisation_number #=> "P2344979"
# Get a random Polish taxpayer identification number
Faker::Company.polish_taxpayer_identification_number #=> "1060000062"
# Get a random Polish register of national economy number
Faker::Company.polish_register_of_national_economy #=> "123456785"
# Get a random South African company registration number
Faker::Company.south_african_pty_ltd_registration_number #=> "5301/714689/07"
Faker::Company.south_african_close_corporation_registration_number #=> "CK74/7585/23"
Faker::Company.south_african_listed_company_registration_number #=> "7039/3135/06"
Faker::Company.south_african_trust_registration_number #=> "IT38/6489900"
# Get a random Brazilian company number (CNPJ)
Faker::Company.brazilian_company_number #=> "18553414000618"
# Get a random formatted Brazilian company number (CNPJ)
# Keyword arguments: formatted
Faker::Company.brazilian_company_number(formatted: true) #=> "00.000.000/0000-00"
# Get a random USA Standard Industrial Classification code (SIC)
Faker::Company.sic_code #=> "0851"