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Bill Peterson edited this page Apr 12, 2020 · 27 revisions

Welcome to the FluidPatcher wiki!


FluidPatcher is a performance-oriented interface for FluidSynth. It allows you to quickly switch between patches - groups of instrument/channel selections, router/effects settings, etc. that you prepare ahead of time, making FluidSynth into a viable performance instrument. Patches are stored in bank files in a specialized YAML format, so they are human-readable/-editable and usable in different implementations of FluidPatcher.

Two implementations are included in this repository:

  • Bankedit is a simple text-based interface that can be used to play and live-edit patches.
  • SquishBox is designed to be run on a Raspberry Pi in a stompbox.

FluidPatcher is designed by Geek Funk Labs.

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