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File metadata and controls

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For Windows Users

This guide assumes that you are using Linux/MacOS. If you are using Windows, please install WSL.


  • Git
  • Docker
  • Golang
    • Install through the official website, don't rely on package manager
  • A Supabase account
    • You can use your Github account for this
  • NodeJS
  • Clone the repository by running git clone

Frontend Setup

  1. Install ExpoGo on your mobile device

  2. Run cd frontend to change to the frontend directory.

  3. Run npm install --global yarn to install the Yarn package manager.

  4. Run yarn add expo

  5. Run npx expo install to install all packages used in the project.

  6. Follow steps 1-4 on this guide to install and configure ngrok, which we will use to connect from the frontend to the API.

  7. Create a file .env to store environment variables. Run cp ./.env.template ./.env.

  8. Run npx expo start --tunnel to run the frontend! If this doesn't work, try running npx expo start

Backend setup (using Supabase)

  1. Let's first create a file for you to store your configuration and environment secrets. Run cp 3stones/config/.env.template 3stones/config/

  2. These next commands will take place with backend as your working directory, so run cd backend.

  3. Install the Supabase local CLI with npm i.

  4. Run npx supabase start -x vector to start your Supabase services; after a minute or so, it should return an output like this:

Started supabase local development setup.

         API URL:
     GraphQL URL:
  S3 Storage URL:
          DB URL: postgresql://postgres:postgres@
      Studio URL:
    Inbucket URL:
      JWT secret: super-secret-jwt-token-with-at-least-32-characters-long
        anon key: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJzdXBhYmFzZS1kZW1vIiwicm9sZSI6ImFub24iLCJleHAiOjE5ODM4MTI5OTZ9.CRXP1A7WOeoJeXxjNni43kdQwgnWNReilDMblYTn_I0
service_role key: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJzdXBhYmFzZS1kZW1vIiwicm9sZSI6InNlcnZpY2Vfcm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTk4MzgxMjk5Nn0.EGIM96RAZx35lJzdJsyH-qQwv8Hdp7fsn3W0YpN81IU
   S3 Access Key: 625729a08b95bf1b7ff351a663f3a23c
   S3 Secret Key: 850181e4652dd023b7a98c58ae0d2d34bd487ee0cc3254aed6eda37307425907
       S3 Region: local

From this:

  • Copy the API URL value to the TS3_SUPABASE_PROJECT_URL key in
  • Copy the DB URL value to the TS3_DATABASE_URL key in
  • Copy the JWT secret value to the TS3_SUPABASE_JWT_SECRET key in
  • Copy the anon key value to the TS3_SUPABASE_API_KEY key in

Also of note: The Studio URL will take you to a Supabase dashboard hosted locally on your computer, which is where you can create users, and use their SQL and table editor.

  1. Run go run ./cmd/server/main.go.

Useful backend commands

These are all run with backend as your working directory.

# Start the server
go run ./cmd/server/main.go

# Start supabase services
npx supabase start -x vector

# Stop supabase services
npx supabase stop

# Reset database (after you've added seed data, modified tables, etc.)
npx supabase db reset

# Format all files (make sure you have gofumpt installed)
gofumpt -l -w .

# Run linters
golangci-lint run

Contributing guidelines

  1. Open PRs as early as possible. This allows us to give you feedback and help earlier.
  2. Keep your branch as up-to-date with main as possible. The earlier and more frequent you are updating your feature branch with changes from main the less weird merge conflicts and less extra work you will have to do.
  3. Submit video walkthroughs of you running your endpoint on PRs.
  4. Branch names should be <JIRA-TICKET>-<DESCRIPTOR>, i.e SCRUM-1-get-developers or SCRUM-10-database-fixes.

Running frontend and backend with ngrok

  1. Follow steps 1-4 on this guide to install and configure ngrok, which we will use to connect from the frontend to the API.
  2. Run ngrok config add-authtoken <YOUR AUTH TOKEN HERE> to add your auth token.
  3. Run ngrok config edit and it should open a text file.
  4. Match your config matches this:
version: "3"

        addr: 54321
        proto: http
        addr: 3000
        proto: http

Above 2 steps are things you should only need to do once. 5. Make sure supabase is running, and run server by running go run ./cmd/server/main.go in the backend directory. 6. Run ngrok start --all to start ngrok. 7. Copy the following values into frontend/src/constants.ts:

  • API_URL: Webserver tunnel url (the one pointing to localhost:3000)
  • SUPABASE_URL: Supabase tunnel url (the one pointing to localhost:54321)