DKAN Starter is the open source code repository on Github that CivicActions uses as the template for the Open Data software-as-a-service platform; it is comprised of the DKAN Drupal Distribution for open data management, plus several popular additional features, configurations that streamline the process of managing and supporting the code in a Drupal platform-as-a-service (PaaS) cloud hosting environment, and configurations that assist with typical government data and security standards compliance.
Demos of DKAN Starter can be requested by filling out the form at
Because we use DKAN Starter to manage our software-as-a-service, it is frequently updated and we do not guarantee backwards compatibility. Therefore, if you wish to build a custom open data website based on Drupal, we recommend that you start with the code from the DKAN Drupal Distribution repository instead.
We are open to contributions to this repo, but in general we encourage developers interested in contributing to Drupal’s open data management capabilities to contribute to the DKAN distribution project instead, at