- Support partial original release date (e.g., missing day or missing month)
- Restored tool.poetry section for packages
- Removed tool.poetry section from pyproject.toml
- Removed duplicate project name (see #95)
- Add RELEASE.md
- Using getStarred2
- Improved linting (still sucks though)
- Bump py-sonic to 1.0.1
- Corrected py-sonic dependency in pyproject.toml
- Album: Corrected getOriginalReleaseDate
- Album: Add getOriginalReleaseYear
- Album: Add getOriginalYearWithYear
- launch.json updated with "debugpy" instead of "python"
- Item: linting improved
- Updated tests
- Bump to 0.3.1
- Add support for originalReleaseDate
- Also fixed some linting
- Support multiple genres
- Allow access to item (avoids need for breaking changes)
- allow format and max_bitrate when creating url
- Avoid to add format to stream url
- Support for legacy authentication
- Search uses search2 underlying method (id3)
- Corrections in tests (handle possible failures)
- Improve getCoverByArtist
- Add test for highest rated albums
- Prefer id3 variants
- use getArtistInfo2 instead of getArtistInfo
- use getSimilarSongs2 instead of getSimilarSongs
- misc bug fixes
- Prefer id3 variants
- use getArtistInfo2 instead of getArtistInfo
- use getSimilarSongs2 instead of getSimilarSongs
- misc bug fixes
- Add support for getStarred
- similar songs (#75)
- minor change in getCoverByArtist
- back to be compatibile with python 3.9
- Similar Songs implemented
- Support for top songs
- support for artist_info
- Support Radios #70 (#71)
- Scrobble support #66 (#67)
- Add getCoverArt to ArtistListItem #64 (#65)
- Support playlists #60 (#61)
- Add ping method #58 (#59)
- Update README.md (#57)
- py-sonic version bump #53 (#54)
- Album class is missing some info #49 (#50)
- Add support for download #45 (#46)
- Add method isOk on Response #43 (#44)
- Add format to stream URL #39 (#40)
- Separate method for auth arguments in url creation #35 (#36)
- Add 'getSong' method #32 (#34)
- Enum for ltype #29 (#31)
- Generic class for responses #28 (#30)
- Interface for configuration #26 (#27)
- Add getSongCount() in Album #23 (#24)
- Create Response from dict #20 (#21)
- Reduce number of classes extending Item #18 (#19)
- Documentation: Add build information #16 (#17)
- Add getalbum method (#15)
- Add 'getAlbum' method #14
- Add support for getAlbum (take 2)
- Documentation: Add reference to pysonic library #10 (#11)
- Initial release