func findOrder(numCourses int, prerequisites [][]int) []int {
if numCourses == 1 {
return []int{0}
graph := make(map[int][]int, 0)
order := make([]int, numCourses)
for i := 0; i < numCourses; i++ {
graph[i] = []int{}
order[i] = 0
for _, p := range prerequisites {
graph[p[1]] = append(graph[p[1]], p[0])
order[p[0]] += 1
queue := []int{}
solution := []int{}
for course, order := range order {
if order == 0 {
queue = append(queue, course)
solution = append(solution, course)
for len(queue) > 0 {
course := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
for _, d := range graph[course] {
order[d] -= 1
if order[d] == 0 {
queue = append(queue, d)
solution = append(solution, d)
if len(solution) == 0 {
return solution
if len(solution) == numCourses {
return solution
} else {
return []int{}
Solution can be obtained by topological sort of DAG.
First create graph using the prerequisites and an array called order, which stored number of incoming nodes for a node. The node is stored as index and order as value.
The graph is stored as node: all the nodes it points to.
Following this, create a queue and place nodes with order 0 in the queue.
Loop till the queue is not empty, pop an element and decrease the order for all the elements it points to. If any of these nodes have an order of 0 after decrementing, append them to both solution and the queue.
Once the queue is empty, if the graph did not contain a cycle, all nodes will be placed in solution in a topologically sorted order.
Verify that the length of this solution is equal to number of nodes, if so solution is valid. If not, no solution exists and we may return an empty list.