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Goracle Default Template Example Application

This project has been generated using AlgoKit to help you quickly get started with a basic app to interact with the Goracle protocol and for experimenting with Beaker smart contracts against a LocalNet network.

See below for default getting started instructions.

For an understanding of the components within the template, visit the Goracle Template Description


Quick start

  1. Ensure you have AlgoKit installed and run algokit bootstrap all in this directory
  2. Open this directory in Visual Studio Code
  3. Open the sample contract at default_app/
  4. Hit F5
  5. It will: start LocalNet, build the smart contract, deploy the contract, call the contract.

Detailed instructions

Initial setup

  1. Clone this repository locally
  2. Install pre-requisites:
    • Install AlgoKit - Link: Ensure you can execute algokit --version.
    • Docker - Docker Compose (and by association, Docker) is used to run the AlgoKit LocalNet environment, we require Docker Compose 2.5.0+
    • Bootstrap your local environment; run algokit bootstrap all within this folder, which will:
      • Install Poetry - Link: The minimum required version is 1.2. Ensure you can execute poetry -V and get 1.2+
      • Run poetry install in the root directory, which will set up a .venv folder with a Python virtual environment and also install all Python dependencies
      • Copy .env.template to .env
  3. Open the project and start debugging / developing via:
    • VS Code
      1. Open the repository root in VS Code
      2. Install recommended extensions
      3. Hit F5 (or whatever you have debug mapped to) while you have a contract open (default: default_app/ and it should by default (using the Demo current contract (+ LocalNet) configuration) start running the demo.pyfile in the same folder as that contract, which will start LocalNet, build the contract, and deploy the contract to LocalNet.

        Note If using Windows: Before running for the first time you will need to select the Python Interpreter.

        1. Open the command palette (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P)
        2. Search for Python: Select Interpreter
        3. Select ./.venv/Scripts/python.exe
    • IDEA (e.g. PyCharm)
      1. Open the repository root in the IDE
      2. It should automatically detect it's a Poetry project and set up a Python interpreter and virtual environment.
      3. Hit Shift+F9 (or whatever you have debug mapped to) and it should start running with breakpoint debugging.
    • Other
      1. Open the repository root in your text editor of choice
      2. In a terminal run poetry shell
      3. Run the demo script python default_app/ through your debugger of choice


  1. If you update to the latest source code and there are new dependencies you will need to run algokit bootstrap all again
  2. Follow step 3 above


The following tools are used in this project: