The following sections build up a Graphiti schema and detail how to use some of the main features.
Here is an example of a basic "Hello world"
GraphQL schema:
import Graphiti
import NIO
let eventLoopGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)
struct HelloResolver {
func hello(context: NoContext, arguments: NoArguments) -> String {
return "world"
struct HelloAPI : API {
typealias ContextType = NoContext
let resolver = HelloResolver()
let schema = try! Schema<HelloResolver, NoContext> {
Query {
Field("hello", at: HelloResolver.hello)
This schema can be queried in Swift using the execute
function. :
let result = try await HelloAPI().execute(
request: "{ hello }",
context: NoContext(),
on: eventLoopGroup
The result of this query is a GraphQLResult
that encodes to the following JSON:
{ "hello": "world" }
Graphiti includes support for using Swift types in the schema itself. To connect the Swift type with the GraphQL one, include a Type
block in the API declaration, composed of Field
s. For example, we can integrate a Person
object into the API:
import Graphiti
import NIO
let eventLoopGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1)
struct Person: Codable {
let name: String
let age: Int
let height: Double
let characters = [
Person(name: "Johnny Utah", age: 23, height: 1.85),
Person(name: "Bodhi", age: 27, height: 1.8),
struct PersonResolver {
func people(context: NoContext, arguments: NoArguments) -> [Person] {
return characters
struct PointBreakAPI : API {
typealias ContextType = NoContext
let resolver = PersonResolver()
let schema = try! Schema<PersonResolver, NoContext> {
Type(Person.self) {
Field("name", at: \.name)
Field("age", at: \.age)
Field("height", at: \.height)
Query {
Field("people", at: PersonResolver.people)
let result = try await PointBreakAPI().execute(
request: """
people {
context: NoContext(),
on: eventLoopGroup
The result
above could be decoded to a JSON of the form:
"people" : [
"name" : "Johnny Utah",
"age" : 23
"name" : "Bodhi",
"age" : 27
Arguments can be defined within an API using the Argument
initializer in a Field
builder. Adjusting our previous example, we can add in an argument to filter people by their age.
struct PeopleArguments: Codable {
let olderThan: Int
struct PersonResolver {
func people(context: NoContext, arguments: PeopleArguments) -> [Person] {
return characters.filter { $0.age > arguments.olderThan }
struct PointBreakAPI : API {
typealias ContextType = NoContext
let resolver = PersonResolver()
let schema = try! Schema<PersonResolver, NoContext> {
Type(Person.self) {
Field("name", at: \.name)
Field("age", at: \.age)
Field("height", at: \.height)
Query {
Field("people", at: PersonResolver.people) {
Argument("olderThan", at: \.olderThan)
A request string for this might be:
people(olderThan: 25) {
which would generate the response:
"people" : [
"name" : "Bodhi"
Mutations are defined using a Mutation
block in the API, and are typically used to change an underlying dataset. We can expand our example to include a mutation that creates a new person:
struct NewPersonArguments: Codable {
let name: String
let age: Int
let height: Double
struct PersonResolver {
func people(context: NoContext, arguments: NoArguments) -> [Person] {
return characters
func newPerson(context: NoContext, arguments: NewPersonArguments) -> Person {
return Person(
age: arguments.age,
height: arguments.height
struct PointBreakAPI : API {
typealias ContextType = NoContext
let resolver = PersonResolver()
let schema = try! Schema<PersonResolver, NoContext> {
Type(Person.self) {
Field("name", at: \.name)
Field("age", at: \.age)
Field("height", at: \.height)
Query {
Field("people", at: PersonResolver.people)
Mutation {
Field("newPerson", at: PersonResolver.newPerson) {
Argument("name", at: \.name)
Argument("age", at: \.age)
Argument("height", at: \.height)
A request string for this might be:
mutation {
newPerson(name: "Tyler Endicott", age: 22, height: 1.63) {
which would generate the response:
"newPerson" : {
"name" : "Tyler Endicott"
Sometimes we'd like to pass a complex argument. Input
s allow us to do this and are declared by including an Input
block in the API declaration, composed of InputField
s. Our example can be changed to include a mutation that creates multiple new people, each passed as an input object:
struct InputPerson: Codable {
let name: String
let age: Int
let height: Double
struct NewPeopleArguments: Codable {
let individuals: [InputPerson]
struct PersonResolver {
func people(context: NoContext, arguments: NoArguments) -> [Person] {
return characters
func newPeople(context: NoContext, arguments: NewPeopleArguments) -> [Person] {
return { person in
age: person.age,
height: person.height
struct PointBreakAPI : API {
typealias ContextType = NoContext
let resolver = PersonResolver()
let schema = try! Schema<PersonResolver, NoContext> {
Type(Person.self) {
Field("name", at: \.name)
Field("age", at: \.age)
Field("height", at: \.height)
Input(InputPerson.self) {
InputField("name", at: \.name)
InputField("age", at: \.age)
InputField("height", at: \.height)
Query {
Field("people", at: PersonResolver.people)
Mutation {
Field("newPeople", at: PersonResolver.newPeople) {
Argument("individuals", at: \.individuals)
A request might look like:
mutation {
newPeople(individuals: [
{name: "Tyler Endicott", age: 22, height: 1.63},
{name: "Angelo Pappas", age: 45, height: 1.91},
]) {
which would generate the response:
"newPeople" : [
"name" : "Tyler Endicott"
"name" : "Angelo Pappas"
Subscriptions are reactive queries that return a result whenever an event occurs. This functionality is built on Swift Concurrency using AsyncThrowingStream
. To create a subscription, include a Subscription
block in the API declaration composed of SubscriptionFields
. We can change our example API to include a subscription alert:
import Foundation
import GraphQL
let timer: Timer!
struct PersonResolver {
func people(context: NoContext, arguments: NoArguments) -> [Person] {
return characters
func fiftyYearStormAlert(context: NoContext, arguments: NoArguments) -> ConcurrentEventStream<String> {
let asyncStream = AsyncThrowingStream<String, Error> { continuation in
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(
withTimeInterval: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 50,
repeats: true
) { _ in
continuation.yield("A 50-year storm is occurring!")
return ConcurrentEventStream<String>.init(asyncStream)
struct PointBreakAPI : API {
typealias ContextType = NoContext
let resolver = PersonResolver()
let schema = try! Schema<PersonResolver, NoContext> {
Type(Person.self) {
Field("name", at: \.name)
Field("age", at: \.age)
Field("height", at: \.height)
Query {
Field("people", at: PersonResolver.people)
Subscription {
at: FiftyYearStorm.message,
atSub: PersonResolver.fiftyYearStormAlert
This schema can be subscribed to in Swift using the subscribe
function. The example below illustrates this and prints the result on each occurance (To see results, you should probably change the timer to execute on a period faster than 50 years):
let api = PointBreakAPI()
let stream = try await api.subscribe(
request: "subscription { fiftyYearStormAlert }",
context: NoContext(),
on: eventLoopGroup
let resultStream = { result in
try print(result.wait())
Each time an event fires, the following message will be generated:
"fiftyYearStormAlert": "A 50-year storm is occurring!"
This package supports pagination using the Relay-based GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification. To use this pagination style you must:
- Ensure any
types implement theIdentifiable
protocol (they must have a uniqueid
field) - Change the relevant resolver types to use
and return aConnection
- Add the
arguments to the schema declaration
Here's an example using the schema above:
struct Person: Codable, Identifiable {
let id: Int
let name: String
let characters = [
Person(id: 1, name: "Johnny Utah"),
Person(id: 2, name: "Bodhi"),
struct PersonResolver {
func people(context: NoContext, arguments: PaginationArguments) throws -> Connection<Person> {
return try characters.connection(from: arguments)
struct PointBreakAPI : API {
typealias ContextType = NoContext
let resolver = PersonResolver()
let schema = try! Schema<PersonResolver, NoContext> {
Type(Person.self) {
Field("id", at: \.id)
Field("name", at: \.name)
Query {
Field("people", at: PersonResolver.people) {
Argument("first", at: \.first)
Argument("last", at: \.last)
Argument("after", at: \.after)
Argument("before", at: \.before)
A request string for this might be:
people {
edges {
node {
pageInfo {
The result of this query is a GraphQLResult
that encodes to the following JSON:
"people": {
"edges": [
"cursor": "MQ==",
"node": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Johnny Utah"
"cursor": "Mg==",
"node": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Bodhi"
"pageInfo": {
"hasPreviousPage": false,
"hasNextPage": false,
"startCursor": "MQ==",
"endCursor": "Mg=="
Federation allows you split your GraphQL API into smaller services and link them back together so clients see a single larger API. More information can be found here. To enable federation you must:
- Define
on the entity types, which specify the primary key fields and the resolver function used to load an entity from that key. - Provide the schema SDL to the schema itself.
Here's an example for the following schema:
extend schema @link(url: "", import: [ "@extends", "@external", "@key", "@inaccessible", "@override", "@provides", "@requires", "@shareable", "@tag"])
type Product {
id: ID!
sku: String
createdBy: User
extend type Query {
product(id: ID!): Product
extend type User @key(fields: "email") {
email: ID! @external
name: String @override(from: "users")
totalProductsCreated: Int @external
yearsOfEmployment: Int! @external
import Foundation
import Graphiti
import NIO
struct Product: Codable {
let id: String
let sku: String
let createdBy: User
struct User: Codable {
let email: String
let name: String?
let totalProductsCreated: Int?
let yearsOfEmployment: Int
struct ProductContext {
func getUser(email: String) -> User { ... }
struct ProductResolver {
struct UserArguments: Codable {
let email: String
func user(context: ProductContext, arguments: UserArguments) -> User? {
final class ProductSchema: PartialSchema<ProductResolver, ProductContext> {
override var types: Types {
Type(Product.self) {
Field("id", at: \.id)
Field("sku", at: \.sku)
Field("createdBy", at: \.createdBy)
keys: {
Key(at: ProductResolver.user) {
Argument("email", at: \.email)
) {
Field("email", at: \.email)
Field("name", at: \.name)
Field("totalProductsCreated", at: \.totalProductsCreated)
Field("yearsOfEmployment", at: \.yearsOfEmployment)
struct ProductAPI: API {
let resolver: ProductResolver
let schema: Schema<ProductResolver, ProductContext>
let schema = try SchemaBuilder(ProductResolver.self, ProductContext.self)
.use(partials: [ProductSchema()])
.setFederatedSDL(to: getSDL())
let api = ProductAPI(resolver: ProductResolver(), schema: schema)
let group = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: System.coreCount)
request: """
query {
_entities(representations: {__typename: "User", email: ""}) {
... on User {
context: ProductContext(),
on: group