Feature we are currently prioritizing https://github.com/Greenstand/treetracker-android/milestone/17
This is the Android app for Greenstands Treetracker open source project (www.treetracker.org). This project coordinates the digital capture of tree growth data in the field, allowing to establish employment for people living in extreme poverty based on tree planting. The Android segment is the data collection tool that transports the information into the next service through a data pipeline towards the veryification service.
For more on de#tent and the app's user story see the wiki in this repository
Developers will need to ask the #android_chat channel in Slack for the treetracker.keys.properties file to build gradle for the application.
For development, select the build variant dev. This build variant is configured to allow trees to be added without a specific accuracy.
Note: QC deployment pipeline are about to be changed and moved to Github actions from Travis. The following details will be updated once the change is made.
This repo has been configured to be easily deployed to QC through Travis. The process, however, is still a manual.
In order to get a new build to QC, take the following steps:
- Go to the Project page in Travis
- Select More Options > Trigger build
- On the dialog, select the appropriate branch, and use either of these configurations:
- For an Android Beta build:
- "fastlane android beta"
* For an Android JustDigIt build:
- "fastlane android justdiggit_beta"
- Run the build and then wait for it to complete. Voilá.
Running without a script
custom parameter will result in a standard build to be run without any artifacts deployed.
Fastlane must be installed using bundle install --path vendor/bundle fastlane install_plugins firebase login
otherwise the firebase plugin will not work
There is one prerequisite to using the appropriate gradle tasks:
- Placing the relevant keys.json from the PlayStore in the ./app folder example here
Once this is done, you can proceed by running one of the following tasks to run the release:
| Downloads the play store listing for the Release build. No download of image resources. See #18.generateReleasePlayResources
| Collects play store resources for the Release buildpublishListingRelease
| Updates the play store listing for the Release build
See Contributing in the Development-Overview README
Review the project board for current priorities Android Project
Please review the issue tracker here on this github repository
Check out the cool roadmap
All contributions should be submitted as pull requests against the master branch in this github repository. https://github.com/Greenstand/treetracker-android/