We're excited to have you contribute to our project! We welcome contributions from all levels of experience, and we're always looking for new ways to improve our code.
To make sure that your contributions are helpful and maintainable, we've put together some guidelines for contributors. Please take a few minutes to read through them before submitting your first pull request.
Fork the repository. This will create a copy of the repository on your own GitHub account. Clone the repository to your local machine. This will allow you to make changes to the code on your computer. Set up a development environment. This may involve installing any necessary software or configuring your editor. Read the CONTRIBUTING.md file. This file contains more detailed information about our contribution process.
Make your changes. Make sure that your changes are well-documented and easy to understand. Test your changes. Make sure that your changes work as expected and don't introduce any new bugs. Commit your changes. Each commit should be a small, atomic change that addresses a single issue. Push your changes to your fork. This will make them available to others. Create a pull request. This will create a request for us to review your changes and merge them into the main repository.
Use clear and concise commit messages. Your commit messages should describe what you changed and why you changed it. Follow our coding style guidelines. This will help to ensure that your code is consistent and easy to read. Write unit tests for your changes. This will help to ensure that your changes don't introduce any new bugs. Be respectful of other contributors. We have a diverse community of contributors, so please be respectful of different opinions and viewpoints.
GitHub Help: https://help.github.com/ Contributing to a GitHub Repository: How to Write a Good Git Commit Message: We hope these guidelines are helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Thank you for your contributions! We appreciate your willingness to contribute to our project. Your contributions help us to make it better for everyone.