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HELIX-GR/Lab Project

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Copy configuration examples from {lab,cli}/config-examples/ into {lab,cli}/src/main/resources/config/, then edit to adjust to your needs.

cp config-example/* src/main/resources/config/
# edit properties ...

Place your keystore (with key for this application as a SAML Service Provider) under lab/src/main/resources/saml/server.jks. This is needed for unit tests to run, but the actual location for a production run can be configured via corresponding application properties (helix.saml.*).

You can generate a new keystore (if one does'nt already exist). For example:

keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -alias helix -keystore server.jks -storepass secret -keypass secret \
    -dname 'CN=lab.helix.localdomain, OU=devel, O=IMIS Athena, L=Athens, ST=Greece, C=GR'    

Build the project:

mvn clean install

Initialize database

After a successful build, the production/development database can be initialized and migrated to current version by simply running the command-line tool (performs a Flyway migration regardless of the subcommand invoked). For example:

cd cli && java -jar target/helix-lab-cli-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar

Run web application

Run the web application (executable) JAR:

cd lab && java -jar target/helix-lab-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar