Helpful resources for this module
Are we missing a great set of exercises? Send a PR!
reasons why bugs might feel impossible
practice using Replay
- Errors & Debugging
- Developer Console
- Debugging in Chrome
- Debugging in FireFox
- Replay Browser: A browser specially designed for collaborative debugging.
- -> JS Tutor
- VSCode
- Code Style
- what is linting? Envato tuts+, ictshore, (static analysis?)
- Why is linting important? freecodecamp, ibuildmvps, quora
- ESLint sandbox
- ESLint rules
- Linting rules for JSDocs
- 3dCodeWorld, youtube channel - !!! very visual !!!
- Just JavaScript - !!! very visual !!!
- watchAndCode Programming Foundations - #
for the free Programming Foundations course, it's awesome. You can stop when
he starts explaining
. - sololearn
- launchcode
- programiz
- the net ninja
- speaking js (online book)
- Headfirst JavaScript: an outstanding (paid) book for understanding JS and the web. comes with code samples you can run locally
- JS Tutor Video
- Coding with Mosh
- 30 Days of JavaScript (stop at array methods)
- (just the beginning)
for of
loops- Array Methods
- Just JavaScript
- dots vs brackets (video)
- dots vs brackets (example)
for ... in
- FunFunFunction:
- the basics
- js-unit-testing-guide (very detailed)
- good test descriptions
- test behavior, not implementation
- FreeCodeCamp: the lingo
- Zach Gollwitzer
- DevSprout
- CodeAcademy (MDN starts at 9:00)
- FunFun: Map, Reduce Basics
- Una Kravets
- Cheat Sheet
- Oliverjam: learn-map-filter, tdd-array-methods
- Reduce
- CodeAcademy Projects JavaScript +1 (through #10)
- HackYourFuture Amsterdam: JS module, 1-JavaScript homework
- CodeYourFuture JS Core: week 1, week 2, week 3
- JavaScript for Everyone
- 30 Days of JavaScript
- dinanathsj29: Tutorial, Exercises
- deep-js-foundations
- HYF modules are often updated, recordings from past classes may not match this gitbook
- When sending a PR's with recording links please ...
- Indicate which class you were teaching
- Which week it was (if the module is more than 1 week)
- a helpful title or description
- Week 1:
- Week 2:
- Process week:
- Week 1:
- Week 2:
- Week 3:
Week 1:
- Stepping Through Code: part 1, part 2
- Describing Errors
Week 2:
- Part 1 hasn't been recorded due to a technical issue. Our apologies.
- Part 2
Week 3:
Week 4: