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gh plugin

The gh plugin provides some aliases and functions for commands gh auth, gh browse, gh config, gh status and gh workflow of github cli.

To use it, add gh to plugins array in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file:

export SF_PLUGINS=(... gh)


Alias Command
gha gh auth
ghli gh auth login
ghlih gh auth login --hostname
ghliw gh auth login --web
ghlo gh auth logout
ghloh gh auth logout --hostname
ghast gh auth status
ghasth gh auth status --hostname
ghastt gh auth status --show-token
ghatk gh auth token
ghatkh gh auth token --hostname
ghb gh browse
ghbc gh browse --commit
ghbn gh browse --no-browser
ghbp gh browse --projects
ghbs gh browse --settings
ghbw gh browse --wiki
ghbx xdg-open $(gh browse --no-browser)
ghcf gh config
ghcfg gh config get
ghcfl gh config list
ghcfs gh config set
ghh gh help
ghst gh status
ghste gh status --exclude
ghsto gh status --org
ghw gh workflow
ghwd gh workflow disable
ghwe gh workflow enable
ghwl gh workflow list
ghwla gh workflow list --all
ghwlL gh workflow list --limit
ghwr gh workflow run
ghwrj gh workflow run --json
ghwv gh workflow view
ghwvw gh workflow view --web
ghwvy gh workflow view --yaml


  • gh_switch_user: Switch the active account based on the user argument
    • $1 (optional): User account. Run gh auth status to get the list of available accounts
  • gh_aliases: Show all aliases of gh plugin.