- Operation table was missing from instance details view
- drop support for docker compose v1
- SurveyValidator form utils import switched from
from service_catalog.forms import SurveyValidator
tofrom service_catalog.forms.form_utils import SurveyValidator
- Credential id set in operation was not sent to AWX
- Add support of multiple workers to gunicorn to speedup Squest
- Add permission on operation, service and portfolio
- Fix file image upload in documentation
- Standard users no longer able to list admin CREATE operation
- UI: accept button show when auto process will be executed after approval
- UI: add auto accept and auto process status icon for all user
- add when condition parameter on day 2 operations
- Add parameter to define list of administrators to which to send 500 errors via SMTP
- Add parameters to login into SMTP server
- Do not allow multiple deletion request against the same instance
- Bulk deletion on resource now calculate total produced in the resource group
- Admin can update a request on the last review when using an approval workflow
- Added permissions "rename_instance" and "change_requester_on_instance"
- End user can now rename his instances and change the owner (requester) to another user in the same organization or team
- Redirection of "Scope" API returned UI instead API
- add missing securitycontext and missing volumeMounts in K8S deployment
- Consumption were not calculated on resource deletion
- CSS issue in documentation rendering for block in dark theme
- Template issue on documentation when applying jinja filters on None
- Remove superusers from "list_approvers". They still can approve but are not displayed in the list.
- When editing an ApprovalWorkflow, it was possible to use a scope already assigned to another workflow.
- List related docs in OperationDetails and ServiceDetails view
- Add PROCESSING requests in the dashboard of the main page
- Display only docs that are not linked to services or operations in ListDoc
- ApprovalWorkflow preview.
- Provided field validators (json and public ssh key).
- Disabled operations were not removed from Instance view
- Long dropdown choices were hidden behind the footer
- Docs are now displayed in a dedicated tab in the instance details
- doc templating
- Survey validator (Replace field validator which is now deprecated and will be removed in future release)
- Fix duplicate fields after sync AWX
- Fix requirement for k8s deployment
⚠ Please do not use this version, as the survey fields may be duplicated during AWX sync. This error is fixed in the 2.4.1 version and a database cleanup is performed during migration.
- Rename "NEED INFO" state into "ON HOLD", related urls changed
- Add a transition in FSM to switch from "ON HOLD" to "ACCEPTED"
- Add field "enabled" in ApprovalWorkflow
- Remove "operations" field in ApprovalWorkflow form when editing
- Add the number of items displayed at the end of lists
- Improve API performance for /api/service-catalog/request/ and /api/service-catalog/instance/
- Improve performance in homepage when several requests where displayed in "To be reviewed"*
- Cache is disabled during django command execution (e.g. migration, collect-static,...)
- In quota filter, display the Organization and Team name instead of the Team name
- Service details page added
- Support Kubernetes deployment (Beta)
- Service request for team will automatically use the approval workflow set by the parent organization
- ApprovalWorkflow can now reset all submitted requests using (or no more using) the workflow
- In RequestDetail, Submitted request can now be re_submit to reset all approval steps (Permission "service_catalog.re_submit_request" needed)
- Add new permission "service_catalog.list_approvers" that allow users to see who can accept a request
- Link attributes to services
- Fix step ordering in RequestDetail
- Fix bug on DeleteView related to Django 4
- Cancel button was not displayed in RequestDetail when using ApprovalWorkflow
- Documentation contrast fixed when using dark mode
- Notifications were not sent when filtering on states
- Squest survey fields are sorted in the same way as AWX survey fields.
- Fix TypeError error when social login (OIDC) is enabled
- Add CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS variable in Squest settings with default value
- Permission allow to show only the linked item in the sidebar group
- Remove the quota when limit is unset in form
- RequestNotification/InstanceNotificationFilter filter were not saved
- Email notification template
- Fix profile page raise a 500 error
- Change the verbose name of "Requester" to "Owner" in Instance model
- OpenID Connect supported
- Bump libraries and upgrade to Django 4
- Fix operation field when min and max are not set
- Display the admin survey when request is processing or rejected
- Set the request to fail state when AWX api return no job id
- Fix sort in tables + fix HTML anchor in tables
- Fix bug in permission when user is both owner_permissions and in global_permissions
- Fix approval.html for ARCHIVED state
- Fix per_page on table in tabs
- FiX CSS on tables
- Fix maintenance page was not showing up after nginx restart
- Add service_catalog_instance filter in ResourceApi
- Add ID to instance and request filters
- Add "organization" and "team" to ScopeSerializer
- Archive and unarchive request without confirmation
- Add review again button after request fail or accepted
- Email were not sent to some requester
- Fix Squest logo size in email
- Add back current instance spec and admin spec in request details page
- Fix displayed info in user details page
- Fix global sync when no default value set on survey field
- Introducing "owner permissions" in Global scopes. Admin can add permissions to users for objects that belong to them (Instance, Request and Support). This enables a v1-like functionality in terms of permissions.
- Login page redirect to the next page.
- Breadcrumbs in Teams did not show Organization in some views.
- Resource tracker v1 is removed. Data are lost after migration to v2. A migration script is available, read the documentation for more information
- API complete refactoring. Use Swagger documentation to get new endpoints
- Approval workflow v1 has been removed. Workflow need to be re-created manually
- Teams v1 are removed and will need to be created back manually
- Quota scope (formerly billing group is now mandatory)
- Processing a request is auto-process no longer produce 500 error
- Organizations added as top layer (replacing billing groups)
- Quota management. Quota attribute are same as resource tracker attribute and linkable to survey fields.
- Move resource from a resource group to another resource group
- Dark theme
- Resource tracking refactoring. Resource pool are removed. Links are done directly between resource groups
- Approval workflow refactoring (with configurable auto accept on each step)
- Dashboard refactored. Added list of request that can be approved by the current user based on permissions
- Survey max value on integer can be limited by quota
- Request details page reworked
- Pagination now available up to 1000 on each list
- Support of emojis in request and support message
- Add "user" data to jinja context
- New state on instance: ABORTED (when cancelling a request)
- Fix Celery beat execution command in Docker Compose
- Command to generate resource tracker v1 migration YAML.
- freeze caddy image to 2.6 (2.7 is not stable yet)
- freeze image versions in docker-compose
- mariadb command is used instead of mysql command (since mariadb 11 msql command is no longer compatible)
- fix IS_DEV_SERVER boolean
- go to process after accepting
- add accept and process
- add error 500 page
- refactoring mail templates
- add billing group filter on request list page
- expose SQUEST_IMAGE and SQUEST_TAG as variables in docker-compose (see documentation)
- always mount volume for field_validators
- close MySQL port by default
- move phpmyadmin in dev.docker-compose.yml
- add IS_DEV_SERVER flag
- Fix SQUEST_EMAIL_HOST env var to match the behavior described in the doc. Removed hard coded
.⚠️ may break your config if @ is not set.
- CVS export on resource pool page
- add PostgreSQL database support
- add a custom note into the login page
- Global hook execution now send the same "squest" metadata to the job template as the one used in service operations
- Minor UI enhancements
- Add a link to go back to a request details from request comment page
- Global hook now send squest metadata
- Global hook use admin request serializer instead of read only serializer
- Fix table sort in request and instance list page
- In API, extra_vars JSON fields were displayed as str instead of dict.
- Allow to delete UserRoleBinding linked to deleted object.
- UserRoleBindings on
object were not deleted when deletingRequest
(Fix and cleanup migration).
- Tags can be filtered with 'AND' or 'OR' method (only 'AND' before).
- Fix the request serializer on day 2 operations.
was saved as string instead of dict
- Minor UI enhancements
- Context usable with Jinja has changed.
. Impacted pages:- default values of an operation survey
- 'when' of a profile notification filter
- URL for available instances was wrong
- Fix JSON integer cast in survey
- Remove exposed MySQL port from prod
- Add job template config on request process
- Notification filters split: Support or request notification
- Add billing group field in UserSerializer
- Filter instance by spec and user spec
- Update filter sidebar size
- Add accepted_by and approved_by field
- [Fix] Fix bad queryset 😅
- Accept request from API without survey doesn't work
- Auto-process only worked if auto-accept is enabled
- The extra_vars field is not valid if it is in JSON from the API.
- Update resource from API does not work for all fields
- link docs to operations
- add request messages to request details
- Create instance from API return full serializer
- Instance filtered by multiple choice instead of text in UI
- Link to access instances by service from home page in UI
- Service catalog forms with data live search in UI
- Filter for attribute definitions in API
- Request operation from API return the new request
- Support choices as list in AWX survey
- Custom links on instance detail page
- Custom threshold color on resource pool and quota
- Add description documentation to services and portfolios
- Date submitted was updated on each save
- Hide disabled services from homepage
- Hide admin only create operations for end users
- Date format can be set for all date from the settings
- Merge operation name and operation color type
- Fix breadcrumbs links in notification page
- Link to the doc now target the correct current version of the running squest instance
- fill_in_survey flag was saved as a string when created from the API
- Fix maintenance mode was not working when used from the API
- Bump python version to 3.10
- Global hook was not working
- Fix ajax call when synchronizing job template. Number of template was not updated
- Notification filters
- Extra vars on Tower server, service and operation
- Add maintenance mode
- Operations can be limited to administrators only
- Pagination navigation was not working with https scheme
- Add support of external tool as support URL
- API: Pagination added to all GET list of objects
- API: ID was not given when new request created
- Format issue with fill in survey
- instance_name variable can be used in the tower survey
- Swagger page support bearer auth
- Send email when support is closed
- show specs on accept/review page
- Add pending request for each service in the admin dashboard
- Save tags in session
- API: Add filters (filter by exact name in API vs contains in UI)
- Default API admin token can be added to the settings
- Python script based validator for form field
- Approval workflow
- Bulk delete for Instances
- Allow several create operations
- Portfolio
- Remove hardcoded url in email template
- Mails were not send to user after receiving a new message
- Right part of the graph was not clickable with large graph
- Instance serializer used User serializer instead of id
- Supports list can be filtered by Service
- Global hook can be linked to an operation
- Instance can be deleted by an admin from API
- Message can be edited
- Operations can be disabled
- Calculate total resources of a resource group was not called when creating a resource from the API
- Added a button to re calculate total of a resource group
- API: Service and Operation creation split.
- Patch a resource without "text_attribute" field filled.
- Fix Squest logo not shown in maintenance page for non-root URLs.
- Resource group and Resource pool with the same name was not displayed in the graph.
- Add missing swagger doc for operation survey.
- Performance: cache + calculation + asynchronous call.
- API : Create a Service return full Service Serializer.
- Catch all Tower exceptions when processing a request.
- Remove role binding from team details.
- Global hook can be linked to a service.
- Admin can set to blank a non required field with default value in Tower survey.
- Split Service and Operation form.
- API: Split Service and Operation serializer.
- Jinja template on survey default field value.
- API: Split between admin survey and user survey
- Fix Celery wait timeout when starting Docker compose
- Admin accept request form can now update billing group and instance name
- Add date available on successfully processed instance
- Custom 404 page
- Bulk delete on request page as admin
- Added delete button on resource details page
- Hide admin filled fields from the end user survey
- API: request state machine management
- Added "user spec" field to instance. Spec are now only visible by admin.
- API: Move job template URL behind Tower URLs
- Fix collect static in Docker image
- Service image upload on edit service
- Fix global hooks execution
- Instance details page was not displayed when the SPOC was not defined
- Several fix in UI
- Fix email notifications
- Fix team deletion. Old role bindings are deleted
- Auto deletion of resource from resource group when instance from service catalog is deleted
- Celery containers wait for Squest app to be ready before starting
- Admin can manually edit requests
- End user can access request details page
- Comment field for each request
- Instance list: add some filter
- Request details page for end users
- Resource quota per billing group
- Prometheus metrics
- Support list for end users
- API: Job Template sync
- Collect static are not executed during the docker image build anymore to prevent caching
- Email sent when request execution fail
- Migration of old permission after creating Teams
- Fix job template sync when multiple tower/awx instance are declared
- Fix swagger generated page on POST /service//request. Fileds w
- Remove metrics and graph from the main dashboard to speed up the loading
- Add squest host to metadata sent to Tower
- UI: refactoring of the resource group list page
- Add billing group to instance list filter
- Bulk delete on resources
- Support and instance in sidebar are no more highlighted together
- Total resource was empty in resource group list
- Email notification for comment on request and support message
- Filter hidden by default in graph
- Team management to share instances
- API - get resource/resource group/resource pool by name
- Resource pool consumption is now updated after resource deletion
- Fix resource group save form
- Fix resource pool calculation executed when adding/deleting resources
- load git module only once in settings
- remove useless calculation call
- enhance test execution speed
- add scroll bar in resource list table
- filters moved into a sidebar
- Update permissions when SPOC is changed from instance
- Fix display error in resource pool list
- Fix default value when integer is used in Tower survey
- Re-process failed requests
- Add a filter in resource tracker resource list
- Graph perf enhancement
- User and billing group API
- User can disable email notification
- Replace API token key work "Token" by "Bearer"
- Fix empty job template survey
- Fix attribute text display in some form
- Fix link to doc in instance pages
- Add a button to collapse filters in the graph view
- Add functional testing playbooks
- API: CRUD on resource group
- API: CRUD on resource pool
- add static HTML maintenance page
- API: CRUD on Request
- API: CRUD on Service
- API: CRUD on Operation
- Show GIT sha in the footer
- Fix LDAP TLS support with self-signed certificates
- Fix email host url from settings
- API authentication via token
- Text attribute on resource group
- Add instance and request details page
- Add job template details page
- Admin can delete instance
- Admin can archive and/or delete requests
- Add titles to identify squest fields and survey fields
- Multi stage Docker build
- Add button to list resources from resource group edit page
- Add filter on all page that list resources
- add documentation linkable to services
- automatic cleanup of ghost images from documentation
- add overcommitment ratio on resource group attributes
- add announcements
- Token management
- Job template compliancy checking
- add integrated backup support
- add official Docker image
- Fix: #114 Fix process request
First release