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Basic Configuration

Laarryy edited this page Jan 2, 2022 · 17 revisions

Basic Configuration

Here you will find basic configuration instructions and guidelines for the Carbon config.conf.

  • The default config itself can be found here

Getting Started

Before you can begin to effectively configure Carbon, it is necessary to understand the basis of the plugin, and a little bit about how it works. Carbon is built on channels, or, different chats which people can see and send messages in, based on a variety of different factors.

This includes permissions, especially the ability to send messages and the ability to receive messages in a particular channel, each of which is controlled by a separate permission.

Just about every single setting and format in Carbon is configurable, which allows for massive potential! Want a broadcast channel with a special format? Simply create it in the config, and only give your players permission to see the channel, not send messages. Make the channel unignorable, and bam! a broadcast channel, exactly how you wanted.

With that covered, we will go over in a bit more detail the channel system, the basic options which most people will need to use, and the placeholders which Carbon supports in its formatting.

Channels System

The channels system, as described above, is a powerful method of customizing chat exactly how you want it. Even if you want just one channel, it's a simple matter to configure it function exactly how you want it to! Here's an overview:



The clear-chat-settings: section in the configuration is the first one, and it defines what happens when chat is cleared by someone with permission.

  • broadcast - the message sent to players after chat is cleared on their screen
  • iterations - the number of times the 'clearing' message will be sent to each player. Effectively, this is the 'depth' of the chat clear
  • message - the 'clearing' message


This section of the config sets custom placeholders that can be used in chat (formats, messages, and anything else rendered by Carbon). These formats also accept PAPI placeholders if you have PAPI installed. In the below example, <test> would display as This is an example! and <papitest>, on a 20TPS server with the PAPI 'Server' expansion installed, would display as 20.0!

custom-placeholders {
  test="This is an example!"


This setting determines the channel that players will be in when they join. By default it is carbon:global, which corresponds to the global.conf file in the CarbonChat/channels folder.


This setting determines the default locale used for plugin messages. By default it is en_US which corresponds to the file in the CarbonChat/locale folder.


This section is where the ping feature is configured. Pinging is when another player sends a 'prefix character' in chat directly followed by another player's username - for the mentioned player, a sound will be played and their name in the message will be coloured.

  • highlight-text-color - the color that the mentioned player's name will be
  • name - the name of the sound that will be played to the mentioned player
  • pitch - the pitch of the sound that will be played to the mentioned player
  • play-sound - whether the configured sound will be played or not
  • prefix - the character that must be directly before a player's name for a mention to occur
  • source - the source of the sound that will be played to the mentioned player
  • volume - the volume of the sound that will be played to the mentioned player


This setting determines how player information is stored.

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