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Hi-ROS Xsens MTw Wrapper


Launch files

default.launch Contains the default values for each parameter

custom_configuration_example.launch Contains an example on how to set some parameters of choice


Parameter Description
node_required Set if the other ROS nodes on the PC should be killed when the driver is killed
node_name Set the name of the ROS node
tf_prefix Set a prefix to avoid conflicts in the ROS transforms
number_of_mtws Set the number of MTw trackers that will be connected to the master
desired_update_rate Set the desired update rate
desired_radio_channel Set the desired radio channel
fixed_latency Set a fixed communication latency (in seconds)
reset_initial_orientation Set if the initial orientation should be reset (IMU-like behavior) or not (MIMU behavior)
enable_custom_labeling Set if custom labels should be assigned to the trackers. The custom labels can be defined in file sensor_labels.yaml
enable_external_sync Set if the Awinda station's synchronization ports are being used
publish_only_recording Set if messages should be published only while in Recording state
synchronize Set if data among different trackers should be synchronized
sync_policy Set the synchronization policy (fillPartialFrames or skipPartialFrames)
publish_mimu_array Set if a single topic containing all the sensor readings should be published or if a series of topics for each sensor should be published
publish_imu Set if the IMU data (accelerometer, gyroscope, and orientation as quaternion) should be published
publish_mag Set if the magnetometer data should be published
publish_euler Set if the orientation as Euler angles (roll, pitch, yaw) should be published
publish_free_acceleration Set if the free acceleration should be published
publish_pressure Set if the pressure should be published
publish_tf Set if the orientation as ROS transform should be published

Published topics

  • /mimu_array: array of MIMU messages (where each MIMU message contains a sensor_msgs/Imu and a sensor_msgs/MagneticField)
  • /imu/data: orientation, angular velocity, linear acceleration
  • /imu/mag: magnetic field
  • /filter/euler: orientation expressed as Euler angles (roll, pitch, yaw)
  • /filter/free_acceleration: free acceleration
  • /pressure: pressure
  • /tf: orientation of each IMU expressed as tf


roslaunch hiros_xsens_mtw_wrapper custom_configuration_example.launch

Perform online reset of IMU(s) orientation

To reset the orientation of IMUs separately by label <imu_0, imu_1>:

rosservice call /xsens_mtw/reset_orientation "sensors: ['imu_0','imu_1']"

or by ID:

rosservice call /xsens_mtw/reset_orientation "sensors: ['00B44BFF','00B44C00']"

To reset the orientation of all IMUs:

rosservice call /xsens_mtw/reset_orientation "sensors: []"

Start/stop recording

To start recording:

rosservice call /xsens_mtw/start_recording "{}"

To stop recording:

rosservice call /xsens_mtw/stop_recording "{}"

Using this driver

When using this driver, please cite the following paper:

Guidolin, Mattia, et al. "A ROS driver for Xsens wireless inertial measurement unit systems." 2021 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). Vol. 1. IEEE, 2021.

Bib citation Source:

  title={A ROS driver for Xsens wireless inertial measurement unit systems},
  author={Guidolin, Mattia and Menegatti, Emanuele and Reggiani, Monica and Tagliapietra, Luca},
  booktitle={2021 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT)},