diff --git a/src/__tests__/patients/care-plans/CarePlanForm.test.tsx b/src/__tests__/patients/care-plans/CarePlanForm.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8778ff8751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__tests__/patients/care-plans/CarePlanForm.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+import '../../../__mocks__/matchMediaMock'
+import { addDays } from 'date-fns'
+import { mount } from 'enzyme'
+import React from 'react'
+import { act } from 'react-dom/test-utils'
+import CarePlan, { CarePlanIntent, CarePlanStatus } from '../../../model/CarePlan'
+import Diagnosis from '../../../model/Diagnosis'
+import Patient from '../../../model/Patient'
+import CarePlanForm from '../../../patients/care-plans/CarePlanForm'
+describe('Care Plan Form', () => {
+ let onCarePlanChangeSpy: any
+ const diagnosis: Diagnosis = {
+ id: '123',
+ name: 'some diagnosis name',
+ diagnosisDate: new Date().toISOString(),
+ }
+ const carePlan: CarePlan = {
+ id: 'id',
+ title: 'title',
+ description: 'description',
+ status: CarePlanStatus.Active,
+ intent: CarePlanIntent.Option,
+ startDate: new Date().toISOString(),
+ endDate: new Date().toISOString(),
+ diagnosisId: diagnosis.id,
+ createdOn: new Date().toISOString(),
+ note: 'note',
+ }
+ const setup = (disabled = false, initializeCarePlan = true, error?: any) => {
+ onCarePlanChangeSpy = jest.fn()
+ const mockPatient = { id: '123', diagnoses: [diagnosis] } as Patient
+ const wrapper = mount(
+ ,
+ )
+ return { wrapper }
+ }
+ it('should render a title input', () => {
+ const { wrapper } = setup()
+ const titleInput = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'title')
+ expect(titleInput).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(titleInput.prop('patient.carePlan.title'))
+ expect(titleInput.prop('isRequired')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(titleInput.prop('value')).toEqual(carePlan.title)
+ })
+ it('should call the on change handler when condition changes', () => {
+ const expectedNewTitle = 'some new title'
+ const { wrapper } = setup(false, false)
+ act(() => {
+ const titleInput = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'title')
+ const onChange = titleInput.prop('onChange') as any
+ onChange({ currentTarget: { value: expectedNewTitle } })
+ })
+ expect(onCarePlanChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ title: expectedNewTitle })
+ })
+ it('should render a description input', () => {
+ const { wrapper } = setup()
+ const descriptionInput = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'description')
+ expect(descriptionInput).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(descriptionInput.prop('patient.carePlan.description'))
+ expect(descriptionInput.prop('isRequired')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(descriptionInput.prop('value')).toEqual(carePlan.description)
+ })
+ it('should call the on change handler when condition changes', () => {
+ const expectedNewDescription = 'some new description'
+ const { wrapper } = setup(false, false)
+ act(() => {
+ const descriptionInput = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'description')
+ const onChange = descriptionInput.prop('onChange') as any
+ onChange({ currentTarget: { value: expectedNewDescription } })
+ })
+ expect(onCarePlanChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ description: expectedNewDescription })
+ })
+ it('should render a condition selector with the diagnoses from the patient', () => {
+ const { wrapper } = setup()
+ const conditionSelector = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'condition')
+ expect(conditionSelector).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(conditionSelector.prop('patient.carePlan.condition'))
+ expect(conditionSelector.prop('isRequired')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(conditionSelector.prop('value')).toEqual(carePlan.diagnosisId)
+ expect(conditionSelector.prop('options')).toEqual([
+ { value: diagnosis.id, label: diagnosis.name },
+ ])
+ })
+ it('should call the on change handler when condition changes', () => {
+ const expectedNewCondition = 'some new condition'
+ const { wrapper } = setup(false, false)
+ act(() => {
+ const conditionSelector = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'condition')
+ const onChange = conditionSelector.prop('onChange') as any
+ onChange({ currentTarget: { value: expectedNewCondition } })
+ })
+ expect(onCarePlanChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ diagnosisId: expectedNewCondition })
+ })
+ it('should render a status selector', () => {
+ const { wrapper } = setup()
+ const statusSelector = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'status')
+ expect(statusSelector).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(statusSelector.prop('patient.carePlan.status'))
+ expect(statusSelector.prop('isRequired')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(statusSelector.prop('value')).toEqual(carePlan.status)
+ expect(statusSelector.prop('options')).toEqual(
+ Object.values(CarePlanStatus).map((v) => ({ label: v, value: v })),
+ )
+ })
+ it('should call the on change handler when status changes', () => {
+ const expectedNewStatus = CarePlanStatus.Revoked
+ const { wrapper } = setup(false, false)
+ act(() => {
+ const statusSelector = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'status')
+ const onChange = statusSelector.prop('onChange') as any
+ onChange({ currentTarget: { value: expectedNewStatus } })
+ })
+ expect(onCarePlanChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ status: expectedNewStatus })
+ })
+ it('should render an intent selector', () => {
+ const { wrapper } = setup()
+ const intentSelector = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'intent')
+ expect(intentSelector).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(intentSelector.prop('patient.carePlan.intent'))
+ expect(intentSelector.prop('isRequired')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(intentSelector.prop('value')).toEqual(carePlan.intent)
+ expect(intentSelector.prop('options')).toEqual(
+ Object.values(CarePlanIntent).map((v) => ({ label: v, value: v })),
+ )
+ })
+ it('should call the on change handler when intent changes', () => {
+ const newIntent = CarePlanIntent.Proposal
+ const { wrapper } = setup(false, false)
+ act(() => {
+ const intentSelector = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'intent')
+ const onChange = intentSelector.prop('onChange') as any
+ onChange({ currentTarget: { value: newIntent } })
+ })
+ expect(onCarePlanChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ intent: newIntent })
+ })
+ it('should render a start date picker', () => {
+ const { wrapper } = setup()
+ const startDatePicker = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'startDate')
+ expect(startDatePicker).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(startDatePicker.prop('patient.carePlan.startDate'))
+ expect(startDatePicker.prop('isRequired')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(startDatePicker.prop('value')).toEqual(new Date(carePlan.startDate))
+ })
+ it('should call the on change handler when start date changes', () => {
+ const expectedNewStartDate = addDays(1, new Date().getDate())
+ const { wrapper } = setup(false, false)
+ const startDatePicker = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'startDate')
+ act(() => {
+ const onChange = startDatePicker.prop('onChange') as any
+ onChange(expectedNewStartDate)
+ })
+ expect(onCarePlanChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
+ startDate: expectedNewStartDate.toISOString(),
+ })
+ })
+ it('should render an end date picker', () => {
+ const { wrapper } = setup()
+ const endDatePicker = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'endDate')
+ expect(endDatePicker).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(endDatePicker.prop('patient.carePlan.endDate'))
+ expect(endDatePicker.prop('isRequired')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(endDatePicker.prop('value')).toEqual(new Date(carePlan.endDate))
+ })
+ it('should call the on change handler when end date changes', () => {
+ const expectedNewEndDate = addDays(1, new Date().getDate())
+ const { wrapper } = setup(false, false)
+ const endDatePicker = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'endDate')
+ act(() => {
+ const onChange = endDatePicker.prop('onChange') as any
+ onChange(expectedNewEndDate)
+ })
+ expect(onCarePlanChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
+ endDate: expectedNewEndDate.toISOString(),
+ })
+ })
+ it('should render a note input', () => {
+ const { wrapper } = setup()
+ const noteInput = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'note')
+ expect(noteInput).toHaveLength(1)
+ expect(noteInput.prop('patient.carePlan.note'))
+ expect(noteInput.prop('isRequired')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(noteInput.prop('value')).toEqual(carePlan.note)
+ })
+ it('should call the on change handler when note changes', () => {
+ const expectedNewNote = 'some new note'
+ const { wrapper } = setup(false, false)
+ const noteInput = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'note')
+ act(() => {
+ const onChange = noteInput.prop('onChange') as any
+ onChange({ currentTarget: { value: expectedNewNote } })
+ })
+ expect(onCarePlanChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ note: expectedNewNote })
+ })
+ it('should render all of the fields as disabled if the form is disabled', () => {
+ const { wrapper } = setup(true)
+ const titleInput = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'title')
+ const descriptionInput = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'description')
+ const conditionSelector = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'condition')
+ const statusSelector = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'status')
+ const intentSelector = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'intent')
+ const startDatePicker = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'startDate')
+ const endDatePicker = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'endDate')
+ const noteInput = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'note')
+ expect(titleInput.prop('isEditable')).toBeFalsy()
+ expect(descriptionInput.prop('isEditable')).toBeFalsy()
+ expect(conditionSelector.prop('isEditable')).toBeFalsy()
+ expect(statusSelector.prop('isEditable')).toBeFalsy()
+ expect(intentSelector.prop('isEditable')).toBeFalsy()
+ expect(startDatePicker.prop('isEditable')).toBeFalsy()
+ expect(endDatePicker.prop('isEditable')).toBeFalsy()
+ expect(noteInput.prop('isEditable')).toBeFalsy()
+ })
+ it('should render the form fields in an error state', () => {
+ const expectedError = {
+ title: 'some title error',
+ description: 'some description error',
+ status: 'some status error',
+ intent: 'some intent error',
+ startDate: 'some start date error',
+ endDate: 'some end date error',
+ note: 'some note error',
+ condition: 'some condition error',
+ }
+ const { wrapper } = setup(false, false, expectedError)
+ const titleInput = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'title')
+ const descriptionInput = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'description')
+ const conditionSelector = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'condition')
+ const statusSelector = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'status')
+ const intentSelector = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'intent')
+ const startDatePicker = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'startDate')
+ const endDatePicker = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'endDate')
+ const noteInput = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'note')
+ expect(titleInput.prop('isInvalid')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(titleInput.prop('feedback')).toEqual(expectedError.title)
+ expect(descriptionInput.prop('isInvalid')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(descriptionInput.prop('feedback')).toEqual(expectedError.description)
+ expect(conditionSelector.prop('isInvalid')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(conditionSelector.prop('feedback')).toEqual(expectedError.condition)
+ expect(statusSelector.prop('isInvalid')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(statusSelector.prop('feedback')).toEqual(expectedError.status)
+ expect(intentSelector.prop('isInvalid')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(intentSelector.prop('feedback')).toEqual(expectedError.intent)
+ expect(startDatePicker.prop('isInvalid')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(startDatePicker.prop('feedback')).toEqual(expectedError.startDate)
+ expect(endDatePicker.prop('isInvalid')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(endDatePicker.prop('feedback')).toEqual(expectedError.endDate)
+ expect(noteInput.prop('isInvalid')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(noteInput.prop('feedback')).toEqual(expectedError.note)
+ })
diff --git a/src/patients/care-plans/CarePlanForm.tsx b/src/patients/care-plans/CarePlanForm.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf7bac0044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/patients/care-plans/CarePlanForm.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+import { Column, Row } from '@hospitalrun/components'
+import React from 'react'
+import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
+import DatePickerWithLabelFormGroup from '../../components/input/DatePickerWithLabelFormGroup'
+import SelectWithLabelFormGroup from '../../components/input/SelectWithLableFormGroup'
+import TextFieldWithLabelFormGroup from '../../components/input/TextFieldWithLabelFormGroup'
+import TextInputWithLabelFormGroup from '../../components/input/TextInputWithLabelFormGroup'
+import CarePlan, { CarePlanIntent, CarePlanStatus } from '../../model/CarePlan'
+import Patient from '../../model/Patient'
+interface Error {
+ title?: string
+ description?: string
+ status?: string
+ intent?: string
+ startDate?: string
+ endDate?: string
+ note?: string
+ condition?: string
+interface Props {
+ patient: Patient
+ carePlan: Partial
+ carePlanError?: Error
+ onChange: (newCarePlan: Partial) => void
+ disabled: boolean
+const CarePlanForm = (props: Props) => {
+ const { t } = useTranslation()
+ const { patient, carePlan, carePlanError, disabled, onChange } = props
+ const onFieldChange = (name: string, value: string | CarePlanStatus | CarePlanIntent) => {
+ const newCarePlan = {
+ ...carePlan,
+ [name]: value,
+ }
+ onChange(newCarePlan)
+ }
+ return (
+ )
+CarePlanForm.defaultProps = {
+ disabled: false,
+export default CarePlanForm