- When the doctor determines that a patient can be discharged from the hospital, a discharge report is prepared.
- The report is prepared by the doctor discharging.
- A patient would most likely be directed to either a financial or receptionist role for the last steps of discharge, but not always.
- A printed copy of the report is given to the patient.
- The patient may use the discharge report when seeking care at other providers.
- There will be only one discharge per admission visit, and an admissions should always have a discharge report to be considered complete or closed.
I want to: Prepare a discharge report by:
- Finding the patient to be discharged.
- Review their operation report for completeness.
- Create a new discharge report that is pre-populated with data from the operation report.
- Complete the dicharge report.
So I can:
- Properly discharge the patient.
- Provide instructions to the patient
I want to: Schedule a follow-up visit and have that visit show on the discharge report.
So I can: Ensure that the patient has a follow-up visit and is informed of the date.
I want to:
- Review the discharge report for completeness.
- Schedule a follow-up date if needed.
- Print a copy of the discharge report for the patient
So I can:
- Support the doctor in scheduling.
- Ensure the patient is informed of any discharge instructions and the follow-up visit date
I want to:
- Review the discharge report from HospitalRun.
- Have an ability to contact the hospital which generated the discharge repot with any questions I might have.
So I can:
- Understand the complete medical history of the patient.
- Be informed when providing my own treatment and care of the patient.
- this report can be supplemented with a custom form
- Standard header that includes contact information for the Hospital (for other providers/hospitals)
- Name
- Street address
- Phone numbers (business, emergency)
- Patient ID
- Patient First Name
- Patient Last Name
- Patient Sex
- Patient Age
- Admission Date
- Discharge Date
- Doctor/Surgeon (from physician drop down)
- Current Diagnosis (aka active patient diagnosis)
- All Procedures performed with Dates (not just from the current visit
- Notes (free form)
- Next Appointment - Date Time and location
- Completed By. (the user completing the form, populated from the login)