- OPD = Outpatient Department
- This report is created at completion of an outpatient visit. Its primary purpose is to inform the patient of the outcome of the visit, and to provide a record for any future appointments. It is not needed by OPD personnel per se, since all the information on the report is already in the system.
- Ideally, the report is created with a simple click on a visit page. There is no need to prevent duplicate reports being created for a single visit.
- It is the responsibility of the OPD personnel (including receptionist and/or cashier) to ensure that all required information relative to the visit, has been recorded in the system, prior to creating the report.
- The visit report DOES NOT serve as a prescription form, although any Med orders requested by the doctor during the visit are to be noted on the report.
- The report can also serve as a type of Admissions Form, to be presented by the patient upon return for an admission visit.
- A different report, (Discharge Report) is used for visits of type admission
I want to:
- Review the vist information for completeness and accuracy
- Make or request any updates or additions to the visit information
- Review any appointments with the patient
- Generate the OPD visit report to give to the patient
- Review the highlights of the report with the patient
- Check-out the patient, thereby closing the visit.
So I can: Efficiently and effectively conclude the OPD visit for the patient, ensuring all information is accurate.
This report can be suplemented with a custom form.
####OPD Visit Report
Note: fields below are given in the top to bottom order on the page.
- Patient ID
- Patient First Name
- Patient Last Name
- Patient Sex
- Patient Age and D.O.B.
- Date of (this) Visit
- Visit Type
- Visit Examiner
- Visit Location
- Active Diagnosis, primary and secondary, from the visit.
- OPD Procedures Performed during visit (if applicable)
- Lab orders requested (if applicable
- Images taken: Image type (if applicable)
- Meds ordered (regardless of whether or not they were fufilled)
- Next Appointments dates and types (if applicable)
- Fields from Operative Plan (if an active plan is present, else leave blank)
- Operation Description
- List of procedures planned
- Instructions upon Admission
- Notes
- Custom Form Fields