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Dan Debrunner edited this page Mar 31, 2014 · 9 revisions

Toolkit Versions

Proposal is being discussed in

and is now documented as a section in issue #5

Should there be guidelines for how toollkits handle version numbers? It's probably tied into how releases are done, which may be up to each toolkit project, but recently while working on a Streams application ensuring people had the same toolkit was an issue, it would have been helped by a clear toolkit version policy.

Some options:

  • Bump the last version number on each commit? (e.g. the next commit in streamsx.inet takes it from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1)
  • "odd numbers" in either of the last two positions indicate "in process development", not released, so for example 1.0.7 is under development and might have multiple commits and the next bug fix release might be 1.0.8. Thus toolkit users are encouraged to take only "even" versions.


  • If you bump on every commit, option (1) is going to result in lots of versions. Would you bump on a spelling change? Error message fix? Update to sample or test?