Important note: This project is no longer maintained. We recommend using the eudi-lib-jvm-sdjwt-kt library instead. If you are interested in maintaining this project, please contact Fabian Hauck.
This is a Kotlin implementation of the Selective Disclosure for JWTs spec using the Nimbus JOSE + JWT library.
Up to date with draft version: 04
In the Debugging.kt file there are examples that show how the library can be used on the issuance, wallet and verifier side.
If you have Docker installed you can simply run:
docker build -t sd-jwt .
docker run -it --rm sd-jwt
- Install Java version 17 or newer (e.g.
sudo apt install -y openjdk-17-jdk
) - Run tests with the gradle wrapper:
./gradlew test --tests SdJwtKtTest -i -PossrhUsername= -PossrhPassword=
Note: The current version is not yet available on Maven Central. It will probably be published under the version 0.1.0
The current SNAPSHOT version can be found in this repository.
plugins {
/* ... */
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization' version '1.8.10'
dependencies {
/* ... */
implementation ''
// For ED25519 key pairs
First you need to define your credential as a kotlinx serializable data class.
private data class SimpleTestCredential(
val iss: String,
@SerialName("given_name") val givenName: String? = null,
@SerialName("family_name") val familyName: String? = null,
val email: String? = null,
val b: Boolean? = null,
val age: Int? = null
Then you need a few variables to get started.
val issuer = ""
val issuerKeyJson = """{"kty":"OKP","d":"Pp1foKt6rJAvx0igrBEfOgrT0dgMVQDHmgJZbm2h518","crv":"Ed25519","kid":"IssuerKey","x":"1NYF4EFS2Ov9hqt35fVt2J-dktLV29hs8UFjxbOXnho"}"""
val issuerKey = OctetKeyPair.parse(issuerKeyJson)
val trustedIssuers = mutableMapOf<String, String>(issuer to issuerKey.toPublicJWK().toJSONString())
val claims = SimpleTestCredential(iss = issuer, "Alice", "Wonderland", "", false, 21)
val discloseStructure = SimpleTestCredential(iss = "") // This is required so that 'iss' is not hidden
val credential = createCredential(claims, issuerKey, discloseStructure = discloseStructure)
val releaseClaims = SimpleTestCredential(iss = "", givenName = "", email = "", age = 0) // Non-null claims will be revealed
val presentation = createPresentation(credential, releaseClaims)
val verifiedSimpleTestCredential = verifyPresentation<SimpleTestCredential>(
verifyHolderBinding = false
This code shows how to
- use holder binding
- create a structured SD-JWT
- create recursively disclosable claims (add HIDE_NAME to the @SerialName annotation)
- add custom header fields to the SD-JWT
data class CredentialSubject(
@SerialName("given_name") val givenName: String? = null,
@SerialName("family_name") val familyName: String? = null,
val email: String? = null
data class EmailCredential(
val type: String,
val iat: Long,
val exp: Long,
val iss: String,
// Make this object recursively discloseable
@SerialName(HIDE_NAME + "credentialSubject") val credentialSubject: CredentialSubject? = null
val issuerKey = ECKeyGenerator(Curve.P_256)
val holderKey = ECKeyGenerator(Curve.P_256)
val issuer = "did:jwk:${b64Encoder(issuerKey.toPublicJWK().toJSONString())}"
val trustedIssuers = mapOf<String, String>(issuer to issuerKey.toPublicJWK().toJSONString())
val userClaims = EmailCredential(
type = "VerifiedEMail",
iat = Date.from( / 1000,
exp = Date.from( * 48)).time / 1000,
iss = issuer,
credentialSubject = CredentialSubject(
givenName = "Alice",
familyName = "Wonderland",
email = ""
// Each non-null variable will be separately disclosed.
// Primitive types that are not null will be in plain text in the SD-JWT.
val discloseStructure = EmailCredential(type = "", iat = 0, exp = 0, iss = "", credentialSubject = CredentialSubject())
// Add custom header fields to the SD-JWT
val header = SdJwtHeader(JOSEObjectType("vc+sd-jwt"), "credential-claims-set+json")
/***************** Create Credential *****************/
val credential = createCredential(userClaims, issuerKey, holderKey.toPublicJWK(), discloseStructure, sdJwtHeader = header)
/**************** Create Presentation ****************/
val releaseClaims = EmailCredential(type = "", iat = 0, exp = 0, iss = "", credentialSubject = CredentialSubject(email = ""))
val presentation = createPresentation(credential, releaseClaims, "", "1234", holderKey)
/**************** Verify Presentation ****************/
val verifiedEmailCredential = verifyPresentation<EmailCredential>(