Releases: IFCA-Advanced-Computing/caso
Releases · IFCA-Advanced-Computing/caso
This is a major release. Backwards compatibility in the functionality is assured (when using the caso.messenger.ssm.SSMMessengerV02 messenger
), but configuration needs to be updated. cASO running with an old configuration may not work as expected. Users are requested to adapt their configuration file, check for details.
This relase implements to major changes:
- Support for Keystone V3 authentication: cASO now relies on the official keystoneauth library. It can be configured to use any of the existing authentication plugins.
- Support for the new v0.4 of the accounting record (and an updated SSM messenger). Users willing to publish v0.4 of the accounting record are requested to use the caso.messenger.ssm.SSMMessengerV04 messenger.
And some minor changes (apart from bugfixing):
- tenants configuration option is deprecated in favour of projects.
- the v0.4 of the accounting record allows users to publish becnhmark information within each record. This is extracted from the flavor, via its propertiess (see for more details).
The following fixes have been included:
This releases consists mainly on bugfixes and updates to latest oslo packages.