Want to make Pol better? These are ways you can contribute:
Though Pol is free and open source, we have to follow some certain standards. If you want us to add a new media, please have this things in mind:
- Search previous icon requests to see if your wanted media already exists. If it was requested before, +1 it.
- Ask for a single media at a request.
- Make sure that media is notable enough.
- Title your new issue Icon request:
add: media_name
(e.g., Icon request:add: Twitter
We can’t claim that Pol is bug free. Please be kind and report issues in the following manner:
- Search in existing issues. We don’t want to get hundreds of duplicated reports. There are even chances that we are already working on that issue you’re facing.
- Try to reproduce issue. Make sure that issue is made up by Pol Icons and not with your other components with a reduced test case.
- Include an example. We can fix bugs much faster if we could lay an eye upon it.
Please follow these standards if you want to change some CSS:
- Multiple-line approach (one property and value per line).
- Always a space after a property's colon (.e.g,
font=size: 2rem;
and notfont-size:2rem;
). - End all lines with a semi-colon.
- For multiple, comma-separated selectors, place each selector on its own line.
Note: By contributing in codes, you agree to license your contribution under the terms of the MIT License.
If you like to support us as an sponsor, please contact gorbeh@ikacc.ir