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+ - title: First analysis processor
+ url: /first_processor.html
+ audience: writers, designers
+ platform: all
+ product: all
+ version: all
+ - title: First transformation processor
+ url: /first_transformation.html
+ audience: writers, designers
+ platform: all
+ product: all
+ version: all
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-## Overview
+## Spoon
Spoon is an open-source library that enables you to transform (see below) and analyze Java source code (see example) . Spoon provides a complete and fine-grained Java metamodel where any program element (classes, methods, fields, statements, expressions...) can be accessed both for reading and modification. Spoon takes as input source code and produces transformed source code ready to be compiled.
-For documentation, there is the [Spoon technical report](https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01078532) and slides [here](http://www.monperrus.net/martin/lecture-slides-source-code-analysis-and-transformation.pdf).
+- If you use Spoon for industrial purposes, please consider funding Spoon through a research contract with Inria (contact Martin Monperrus for this).
-If you use Spoon for academic purposes, please cite: Renaud Pawlak, Martin Monperrus, Nicolas Petitprez, Carlos Noguera, Lionel Seinturier. "Spoon v2: Large Scale Source Code Analysis and Transformation for Java". Technical Report hal-01078532, Inria. 2014.
+- If you use Spoon for academic purposes, please cite: Renaud Pawlak, Martin Monperrus, Nicolas Petitprez, Carlos Noguera, Lionel Seinturier. “Spoon: A Library for Implementing Analyses and Transformations of Java Source Code”. In Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. Doi: 10.1002/spe.2346.
@@ -20,10 +20,6 @@ If you use Spoon for academic purposes, please cite: Renaud Pawlak, Martin Monpe
-If you use Spoon for industrial purposes, please consider funding Spoon through a research contract with Inria (contact [Martin Monperrus](http://www.monperrus.net/martin/) for this).
-Do you want to improve this site? pull requests on
are welcome!
## News
Star Spoon on Github: [https://github.com/INRIA/spoon](https://github.com/INRIA/spoon) :-)
@@ -41,46 +37,10 @@ Star Spoon on Github: [https://github.com/INRIA/spoon](https://github.com/INRIA/
- September 30, 2013: Spoon 1.6 is released.
- April 12, 2012: Spoon 1.5 is released.
-## Using Spoon
-To display the AST of a program contained in sourceFolder:
-$ java -jar spoon-core-{{site.spoon_release}}-jar-with-dependencies.jar -i sourceFolder -g
-To detect empty catch blocks, the following Spoon code has to be written:
- * Reports warnings when empty catch blocks are found.
- */
-public class CatchProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
- public List emptyCatchs = new ArrayList();
- public void process(CtCatch element) {
- if (element.getBody().getStatements().size() == 0) {
- emptyCatchs.add(element);
- getFactory().getEnvironment().report(this, Severity.WARNING,
- element, "empty catch clause");
- }
- }
-and launched as follows (the main class is spoon.Launcher):
-$ java -cp your-bin-folder:spoon-core-{{site.spoon_release}}-jar-with-dependencies.jar spoon.Launcher -i sourceFolder -p CatchProcessor
-Spoon processes all source files of sourceFolder and writes to the resulting code to the folder "spooned".
## Download
+### Jar file
[v{{site.spoon_release}} JAR](https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/?group_id=73) - [Javadoc](http://spoon.gforge.inria.fr/mvnsites/spoon-core/apidocs)
The source code to the Spoon and this website is [available on GitHub](https://github.com/INRIA/spoon).
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+title: First analysis processor
+tags: [getting-started]
+keywords: start, begin, hello world, processor, spoon
+last_updated: October 1, 2015
+## Creation of the processor
+In Spoon, a processor is a combination of query and analysis code.
+With this concept, developer can analyse all elements of a type given
+and inspect each element of this type one per one.
+For a first processor, we'll analyze all catch blocks of a `try {...} catch {...}`
+element to know how many empty catch blocks we have in a project. This kind of empty
+catch can be considered bad practice. That could be a great information to know how
+many and where are these catches in a project to fill them with some code,
+e.g. throws a runtime exception or logs the exception.
+To implement this analysis, create a new Java class which extends `AbstractProcessor` ([javadoc](http://spoon.gforge.inria.fr/mvnsites/spoon-core/apidocs/spoon/processing/AbstractProcessor.html)).
+This super class takes a generic type parameter to know what type you want inspect in a AST.
+For this tutorial, we inspect a catch, a `CtCatch` ([javadoc](http://spoon.gforge.inria.fr/mvnsites/spoon-core/apidocs/spoon/reflect/code/CtCatch.html)).
+You can view the complete meta model of Spoon at this page.
+It is a simple way to know what you can inspect with processors.
+When the class `AbstractProcessor` ([javadoc](http://spoon.gforge.inria.fr/mvnsites/spoon-core/apidocs/spoon/processing/AbstractProcessor.html))
+is extended, implement the method `void process(E element)`where `E` is a generic type for
+any elements of the AST (all classes in the Spoon meta model which extends `CtElement` ([javadoc](http://spoon.gforge.inria.fr/mvnsites/spoon-core/apidocs/spoon/reflect/declaration/CtElement.html))). It is in this method that you can access all information you want of the the current `CtCatch` ([javadoc](http://spoon.gforge.inria.fr/mvnsites/spoon-core/apidocs/spoon/reflect/code/CtCatch.html)).
+A first implementation of the empty catch processor is:
+package fr.inria.gforge.spoon.processors;
+import org.apache.log4j.Level;
+import spoon.processing.AbstractProcessor;
+import spoon.reflect.code.CtCatch;
+ * Reports warnings when empty catch blocks are found.
+ */
+public class CatchProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
+ public void process(CtCatch element) {
+ if (element.getBody().getStatements().size() == 0) {
+ getFactory().getEnvironment().report(this, Level.WARN, element, "empty catch clause");
+ }
+ }
+What do we do in the body of the process method?
+We get the body of the `CtCatch` element (body is an instance of `CtBlock`).
+On this block, we get all statements and if there isn't statement, it means the block catch is empty!
+Yes, it's that easy! Spoon's AST is designed to be comprehensible by Java developers.
+This point is one of the most important point in the philosophy of Spoon,
+all concepts are designed to be instinctive for Java developers.
+## Apply the processor
+In this "Getting Started", we'll see how we can apply the processor in command line.
+First, compile your processor. You can use javac in command line to generate the `.class` file
+or Maven to generate the `.jar` file with all of your processors and their dependencies.
+You have a processor compiled, you'll apply it on our project. If you are in a Maven or
+Gradle project, there are a plugin for these technologies ([here](https://github.com/SpoonLabs/spoon-maven-plugin)
+for Maven and [here](https://github.com/SpoonLabs/spoon-gradle-plugin) for Gradle).
+Second, you must download the latest jar file of Spoon. This archive is available at this [link](https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/latestzip/86/Spoon-latest.zip).
+Execute the archive of Spoon:
+$ java -classpath /path/to/binary/of/your/processor.jar:spoon-core-{{site.spoon_release}}-jar-with-dependencies.jar spoon.Launcher -i /path/to/src/of/your/project -p fr.inria.gforge.spoon.processors.CatchProcessor
+1. Specify all dependencies in your classpath. If your processor has dependencies, don't forget to package your processor.jar with all dependencies!
+2. Specify spoon in the classpath because we use spoon concepts in our processor.
+3. Specify your processors in fully qualified name.
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index 00000000000..53a2e57c8e0
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+title: First transformation processor
+tags: [getting-started]
+keywords: start, begin, hello world, processor, spoon, factory, setter
+last_updated: October 1, 2015
+## Goal
+We'll make a first transformation that adds a field to a class
+and initializes it in the constructor of the current class.
+## Factories and setters
+With `Factory` ([javadoc](http://spoon.gforge.inria.fr/mvnsites/spoon-core/apidocs/spoon/reflect/factory/Factory.html)),
+you can get and create all elements of the meta model. For example, if you want
+to create a class with the name "Tacos", use the factory to create an empty class
+and fill information on the created element to set its name.
+CtClass newClass = factory.Core().createClass();
+First, create a new field. To do that, create the type referenced by our field.
+This type is a `java.util.List` which have a `java.util.Date` as generic type.
+final CtTypeReference dateRef = getFactory().Code().createCtTypeReference(Date.class);
+final CtTypeReference> listRef = getFactory().Code().createCtTypeReference(List.class);
+`dateRef`, a `CtTypeReference` ([javadoc](http://spoon.gforge.inria.fr/mvnsites/spoon-core/apidocs/spoon/reflect/reference/CtTypeReference.html)),
+is created by our factory from `Date.class` given by Java. We also created `listRef` which
+is created by our factory from `List.class` and we add our `dateRef` as actual type argument
+which represents the generic type of the list.
+Now, create the field. A field has a name, a type and private.
+final CtField> listOfDates = getFactory().Core().>createField();
+We have created a field named "dates", with a private visibility and typed by our previous type reference,
+`listRef`, which is `java.util.List`.
+Second, create the constructor. Before the creation of a `CtConstructor` ([javadoc](http://spoon.gforge.inria.fr/mvnsites/spoon-core/apidocs/spoon/reflect/declaration/CtConstructor.html)),
+create all objects necessary for this constructor and set them in the target constructor.
+The constructor has a parameter typed by the same type of the field previously created
+and has a body to assign the parameter to the field.
+final CtCodeSnippetStatement statementInConstructor = getFactory().Code().createCodeSnippetStatement("this.dates = dates");
+final CtBlock> ctBlockOfConstructor = getFactory().Code().createCtBlock(statementInConstructor);
+final CtParameter> parameter = getFactory().Core().>createParameter();
+final CtConstructor constructor = getFactory().Core().createConstructor();
+*Wow! Wait ... What is `CtCodeSnippetStatement`?*
+You can convert any string in a `CtStatement` ([javadoc](http://spoon.gforge.inria.fr/mvnsites/spoon-core/apidocs/spoon/reflect/code/CtStatement.html))
+with `createCodeSnippetStatement(String statement)` or in `CtExpression` ([javadoc](http://spoon.gforge.inria.fr/mvnsites/spoon-core/apidocs/spoon/reflect/code/CtExpression.html))
+with `createCodeSnippetExpression(String expression)`. In our case, we convert `this.dates = dates`
+in a `CtAssignement` ([javadoc](http://spoon.gforge.inria.fr/mvnsites/spoon-core/apidocs/spoon/reflect/code/CtAssignment.html))
+with an assignment and an assigned elements.
+With this last example, you have created a statement that you have put in a block.
+You have created a parameter typed by the same type as the field and
+you have put all these objects in the constructor.
+Finally, apply all transformations in your processor:
+public class ClassProcessor extends AbstractProcessor> {
+ @Override
+ public void process(CtClass> ctClass) {
+ // Creates field.
+ final CtTypeReference dateRef = getFactory().Code().createCtTypeReference(Date.class);
+ final CtTypeReference> listRef = getFactory().Code().createCtTypeReference(List.class);
+ listRef.addActualTypeArgument(dateRef);
+ final CtField> listOfDates = getFactory().Core().>createField();
+ listOfDates.setType(listRef);
+ listOfDates.addModifier(ModifierKind.PRIVATE);
+ listOfDates.setSimpleName("dates");
+ // Creates constructor.
+ final CtCodeSnippetStatement statementInConstructor = getFactory().Code().createCodeSnippetStatement("this.dates = dates");
+ final CtBlock> ctBlockOfConstructor = getFactory().Code().createCtBlock(statementInConstructor);
+ final CtParameter> parameter = getFactory().Core().>createParameter();
+ parameter.setType(listRef);
+ parameter.setSimpleName("dates");
+ final CtConstructor constructor = getFactory().Core().createConstructor();
+ constructor.setBody(ctBlockOfConstructor);
+ constructor.setParameters(Collections.>singletonList(parameter));
+ constructor.addModifier(ModifierKind.PUBLIC);
+ // Apply transformation.
+ ctClass.addField(listOfDates);
+ ctClass.addConstructor(constructor);
+ }
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