Build a local node
Ubuntu18.04 or Ubuntu20.04 system
The node server creates the folder locally and downloads the chain program
sudo mkdir -p ipse2.0/ipse2.0-node && cd ipse2.0/ipse2.0-node && sudo wget
Give executable permissions:
sudo chmod +x IPSE
Start synchronizing your nodes by running the following instructions (write to log files and run in the background):
Custom node name and node data store path
sudo ./IPSE --chain staging --ws-port 9948 --base-path ./db --pruning=archive --execution=NativeElseWasm --wasm-execution Compiled --name NodeNameCustom > ipse.log 2>&1 &
Custom node name and node data store path
sudo ./IPSE --chain main --ws-port 9948 --base-path ./db --pruning=archive --execution=NativeElseWasm --wasm-execution Compiled --name NodeNameCustom > ipse.log 2>&1 &
If you don't want to run validation mode right away. The --pruning=archive option implies the --validator and -sentry options, so it must be explicitly requested only if the node is started without either of these options.If you are not set up as an ARCHIVE node, you will need to resynchronize the database when switching, even when you are not running the validator and sentinel modes. Depending on the size of the chain at the time, this step may take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. If you want to estimate how much more time is needed, the server log (via the command tail -f ipse.log) shows the processed and newly validated blocks for your node.You can then compare with Telemetry or the current PolkadotJS blockchain browser.
When the node synchronization data is completed, close the IPSE program, restart the local node(Test Network or Main Network), and run the following commands (write to log files and run in the background): Custom node name and node data store path
sudo ./IPSE --chain main --ws-port 9948 --rpc-port 30339 --execution=NativeElseWasm --unsafe-ws-external --unsafe-rpc-external --rpc-cors=all --base-path ./db --rpc-methods=Unsafe --pruning=archive --wasm-execution Compiled --name NodeNameCustom > ipse.log 2>&1 &
For log details, use tail -f ipse.log.
Jun 09 17:11:31.208 INFO IPSE2.0 Node
Jun 09 17:11:31.208 INFO ✌️ version 3.0.0-a65ef41-x86_64-linux-gnu
Jun 09 17:11:31.208 INFO ❤️ by IPSE TEAM, 2020-2021
Jun 09 17:11:31.208 INFO 📋 Chain specification: IPSE Mainnet
Jun 09 17:11:31.208 INFO 🏷 Node name: V-ipse-81
Jun 09 17:11:31.208 INFO 👤 Role: AUTHORITY
Jun 09 17:11:31.208 INFO 💾 Database: RocksDb at /data/ipse_db/chains/IPSE2.0/db
Jun 09 17:11:31.208 INFO ⛓ Native runtime: ipse-node-2021060201 (ipse-node-1.tx1.au10)
Jun 09 17:11:32.611 INFO 🏷 Local node identity is: 12D3KooWMTfZuF94Vx5p1qQBovnzAx4FR49MSc79mQB42kxoXyh6
Jun 09 17:11:32.615 INFO 📦 Highest known block at #85065
Jun 09 17:11:32.615 INFO 〽️ Prometheus server started at
Jun 09 17:11:32.637 INFO Listening for new connections on
Jun 09 17:11:32.637 INFO 👶 Starting BABE Authorship worker
Then the mining program can directly connect ws://localhost:9948 to mine.
View the IPSE process number and kill the process with the following command:
ps -ef | grep IPSE
Root 1795222 1 2 Mar24?00:47:46./IPSE --chain main --execution= nativeElseasm --unsafe-ws-external -- rpc-external --rpc-cors=all--ws-port 9948 --rpc-port 30339 --base-path db --rpc-methods=Unsafe --pool-limit 100000 --ws-max-connections 50000
Root 1833766 1833711 0 15:26 PTS /0 00:00:00 00 grep --color=auto --exclude-dir=.bzr --exclude-dir=CVS--exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=.hg --exclude-dir=.svn --exclude-dir=.idea --exclude-dir=.tox IPSE
sudo kill -9 1795222
If you want to be a validator node, refer to the following documentation:
Polkadot set the validator nodes on the network
PoC mining supports Ubuntu and Windows systems.
Please refer to Chapters 2 and 3 in the IPSE2.0_PoC Miner Manual_Linux
Please refer to Chapters 2 and 3 in the IPSE2.0_PoC Miner Manual_Windows
If you become an IPSE storage miner and a user uploads a file to your storage server, you will be charged based on the size of the uploaded file, and the storage miner will receive this portion of the reward. Calculation formula:
total_price = file_size(Byte) * unit_price * days
How to become an IPSE storage miner
Users can earn mining rewards by pledging PoC miners. Please refer to IPSE2.0_PoC Pledge User Manual for details.