- Main Syllabus
- Tuesday Shiffman Syllabus Note this section is for students with some prior programming experience only. (Advanced programmers should still waive ICM entirely).
# for the ICM google group:
- Dan O'Sullivan (2014 Undergrad Edition), Thursday, 12:05-3:00pm: Section Info
- Shiffman, Tuesday, 12:05-3:00pm: Section Info, Section Homework
- Shiffman, Wednesday, 12:05-3:00pm: Section Info, Section Homework
- Danny, Wednesday, 9:05-12:00 and 3:05-6:00: Section Info, Morning Section Homework, Afternoon Section Homework
- Dano, Tuesday, 12:05-3:00pm: Section Info, Section Homework
- Dano, Wednesday, 12:05-3:00pm: Section Info, Section Homework
- Mimi, Wednesday, 6:05-9:00pm: Section Info, Section Homework
- Learning Processing You can read it for free online via the NYU Library or read it on reserve.
- Getting Started With Processing by Reas/Fry
- Also: Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists by Reas/Fry
- All Processing books: http://processing.org/learning/books/index.html
- Research Resident Office Hours
- ICM Help Session
- Official Processing Web Site
- Processing Forum
- Processing Wiki
- Processing Twitter
- Processing Github
- Open Processing
- "Practice is the best of all instructors." - computation requires practice
- "An agreeable companion on a journey is as good as a carriage." - look to your classmates for help too
- "While we stop to think, we often miss our opportunity." - sometimes you need to take a leap of faith
- "When two do the same thing, it is not the same thing after all." - encourage students with similar ideas
- "The bow too tensely strung is easily broken." - don't get too stressed out
- All of these are from Plubius Syrus.(42 B.C.)