contain not all info about project and after update project after last changes in libft its may work unstability
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev
sudo dnf install SDL2-devel SDL2_mixer-devel SDL2_ttf-devel
All ready for use. Just type make.
Use make for compiling all files.
When you have already installed SDL2 library you can use this simple rules:
- make: Compile all.
- make clean: Delete temporary files.
- make del: Delete temporary Wolf3D files only(if you changed code use
make del && make
for re-compile only Wolf3D executable without libft). - make fclean: Delete executable Wolf3D file & libft.
- make re: It's rules - make fclean & make in one.
./wolf3d maps/map_name.w3d
[W | S]
: Moving forward | backward.[A | D]
: Rotate left | right.[T]
: Toggle Textured\Flat rendering method.[M]
: Toggle mini-map rendering.[F]
: Toggle Fog rendering.[C]
: Switch Fog colors.[LShift]
: Step & rotate boost.[Z]
- Stop\Play steps sounds.[Q]
: Stop\Play background in-game music.[+ | -]
: Inc\Decrease background volume.[R]
: Toggle FPS\ms rendering info.[H]
: Toggle blur effect rendering.[Y | N]
: Inc\Decreaase bluring effect.[ESC]
: Close Wolf3D.
If you are crazy and want to run this project using MLX library and without many features - follow this rules:
git clone wolf3d
cd wolf3d
git checkout 5acec91