Chopped and duct taped fork of KDE fork of mtp-server adapted for RG35XX GarlicOS 1.x.x that makes USB port have working MTP connection for file transfers
/dev/mtp_usb must be available, this usually is present on android kernels that have mtp usb gadget function like on this case, so could potentially work on other devices after some adaptations or recompiling.
Each folder in artifacts represents the partition to copy the files into
Copy the files and edit dmenu.bin
in MISC to call /misc/
instead of:
# Enable ADB for debugging
if [ -f /misc/enableADB ]
/ device
This script will setup USB to device mode if MTP and/or ADB is enabled
ADB with MTP or only ADB is allowed too
must exist to enable MTP functionality
Copy the files, by default both TF1 and TF2 are exposed but can be edited in CFW/mtp/
MTP_ENTRY_LEN specifies how many entries will be declared in env's, check file for examples
A optional APPS script is provided to toggle MTP by creating/removing /misc/enableMTP
Source code:
As rg35xx toolchain lacks some boost modules required to compile this a fork was made to add them: can be called inside the toolchain shell to compile the binary, the result will be placed into artifacts
This hasn't been tested extensively and may have issues, testing with 1.5GB files worked so far. I'm not responsible for any damage or corrupted data that may occur using this.